On February 24, 2022, the world was shocked by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. In fact, as early as the year before, a British prophet by the name of Craig Hamilton-Parker had already predicted the invasion. Craig Hamilton-Parker is a famous psychic who successfully predicted the election of Trump as the president of the United States in 2016, and also predicted that a virus would sweep the world in 2020.
To this day, Craig Hamilton-Parker is the only prophet to give a comprehensive prediction of the Russia-Ukraine war — when it will end and the economic, political, and social upheaval it will cause around the world. It is very sad and distressing now that this prophecy has come true.
Craig Hamilton-Parker made another prophecy 12 days before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, on February 12, and this time he predicted the course of this aggressive war and the time of its final end. So he was the first prophet so far to make a prediction about the complete course of the entire war.
His biggest prediction was that all of Europe would be involved in the war, including Britain, France, and Germany, who will be on Ukraine’s side. Craig Hamilton-Parker, being British, was of course first concerned with the attitude of Britain. He said that Britain would not be idle during the war and would supply Ukraine with weapons. Many other European countries, such as the Czech Republic and Turkey, would also be involved in helping Ukraine.

What Craig Hamilton-Parker said was quite accurate, but the timing was slightly off as the whole of Europe was actually moving faster than he had predicted. Europe was quite a scattered mess before the Russian invasion, and Germany, the continent’s top power, was quite ambiguous in its attitude toward resisting Russia. Within a few days after Putin marched his troops into Ukraine on Feb. 24, Europe became united.
The United States and Canada led the initiative to kick Russia out of the global payment system known as SWIFT. This is the world’s largest interbank payment system and members include more than 11,000 financial institutions in more than 200 countries and regions. Russia has more than 300 banks in the system and even if only the top-ranking Russian banks are removed, it would be quite a financial disaster for the country.
In terms of military aid, the European response is quite strong and decisive. For the first time in the EU’s history, the bloc quickly passed a budget of 450 million euros (US$488 million) to buy weapons and equipment for Ukraine. Not only was there a collective action, but individual countries also contributed — Germany with protective war gear, armored vehicles, and other weapons; France providing anti-aircraft weapons and equipment for anti-cyber warfare. Turkey has provided drones, and countries such as the Netherlands, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Sweden, Finland, and Romania have also sent weapons, ammunition, and other military supplies to Ukraine. On most of these things, Craig Hamilton-Parker was spot on months in advance.
But one thing he didn’t quite get right was his prediction that the U.S. government, under Biden, would not have any military support for Ukraine. In fact, the U.S. Department of Defense figures show that the U.S. had already provided Ukraine with US$650 million worth of defense equipment and services in 2021. On February 26, 2022, another US$350 million was added to Ukraine’s aid, including anti-armor weapons, light weapons, body armor, and a variety of ammunition, as well as air defense systems, making the total U.S. military contribution to Ukraine come to more than US$1 billion, and making them the number one contributor to Ukraine.

But Biden did make it clear that he would not send in any troops, which is the same position as other European countries. However, the U.S. government did not block retired military personnel from joining the Ukrainian resistance as volunteers. In relation to the Ukrainian side, Craig Hamilton-Parker was right again when he said that Ukrainians would “fight like demons” to resist the invaders.
Craig Hamilton-Parker compared the invasion with the Prague Spring of 54 years ago. In 1968, there was a wave of support for democracy building in Czechoslovakia. The Communist Party of Czechoslovakia was also ready to allow some reforms. However, on August 20, 1968, the Soviet Union gathered five Warsaw Pact members for a military invasion of Czechoslovakia.
The 250,000-strong force invaded from the north, east, and south, and took full possession of Czechoslovakia with little effort. Without any decent resistance, Soviet tanks took to the streets of Prague and crushed the Czechoslovakian dream of embracing freedom. It was not until the collapse of the Soviet Union at the end of 1991 that the Czechs and Slovaks were freed and took charge of their own destiny.
Today, more than 50 years later, public sentiment in Ukraine is very different from that of Czechoslovakia, and the Ukrainian people are united in their resolve to fight the war. President Zelensky’s national approval rating soared to more than 90 percent, three times higher than before the Russian invasion.

Craig Hamilton-Parker’s words about Ukrainians “fighting like demons” were spot on. So who exactly is Craig Hamilton-Parker? And what will be the final outcome of the war in Ukraine?
Craig Hamilton-Parker’s prophecy: Final outcome of the Russia-Ukraine war
Craig Hamilton-Parker’s reputation in the UK only grew after the turn of the millennium. He is a famous psychic who predicted years in advance that the UK would leave the EU in 2016. He also said that the post-Brexit British economy would boom while the euro would weaken. When all this happened as he predicted, the British people began to gradually take notice of this psychic. Later, Craig Hamilton-Parker also predicted the election of Trump and the global outbreak of the COVID-19 virus, earning him the title of contemporary “Nostradamus.”
Of course, now we are most concerned about the process and the end of the war. When will it end? How will it end? Now that Russia has become an international outcast, will Putin back down? Craig Hamilton-Parker’s prediction is that Putin will keep the war going for the sake of his own image, and that Russian troops will occupy part of Kyiv.
The situation as of early March is that Russian forces are not achieving their desired goals in most areas, and Kyiv has not yet been captured. However, Craig Hamilton-Parker asserts that eventually Putin will be driven out by the Ukrainians, but it won’t be immediate. His prediction is that Putin will withdraw fully from Ukraine after roughly 18 months to two years.
In addition, although Putin ordered Russia’s nuclear forces to be on high alert in February and is adopting a hardened stance against sanctions from Europe and the United States, Craig Hamilton-Parker asserted that this war will not escalate into World War III as some feared. However, the war is bound to have a huge impact on the global economy.
Predictions about the global economy
Craig Hamilton-Parker had predicted that the U.S. economy would decline. Australia’s trade with East Asia, i.e. China, would decline further, but Australia will be supported by the UK, Japan, and Taiwan. The world would face a global food shortage. This will need to be verified later as we are only 3 months into the year 2022.

Regarding the global economic situation, Craig Hamilton-Parker’s judgment is that inflation will overtake war to become the world’s biggest economic nightmare, but it will not cause a collapse in global markets. Entering 2022, the world’s major stock markets were hit hard in January and February due to a series of unfavorable news such as the Fed’s interest rate hike and the Russia-Ukraine crisis. The sanctions on Russia at the end of February sent shock waves to investment and crude oil markets. Unfortunately, the worst may not be over.
Anand, a well-known Indian child prodigy, also gave a short-term economic prediction in late February based on the movement of the stars in astrology. Anand said the global economy is still in a climbing phase, but the driving force behind its apparent strength is inflation. Central banks in many countries have printed a lot of money in the past year and a half, causing a severe inflation bubble. He predicts that March-April could be the worst months for global financial markets since the 2008 global financial crisis.
Anand said the upcoming volatility will not be as bad as the 2008 financial crisis when the collapse of major financial institutions like Lehman Brothers triggered a global recession. However, it will also be a very important point in history. Not only professional investors, but also ordinary investors, need to be very careful and cautious because the effects will be wide-reaching.
The characteristic of astrology is that its predictions are very specific and concrete as to the date. Anand predicts that this volatility will occur around mid-March, so he advises most investors not to enter the market before mid-March. Anand believes this volatility will send global stock markets plummeting, but he says the economy will slowly rebound after May-June 2022.
As for this astrological phenomenon, Anand feels that it is not all negative, but rather is a re-balancing and correction. Anand even thinks it is a blessing in disguise, because he feels that according to the previous economic trend, there will be a much bigger wealth gap. On this point, many experts disagree. They say that a financial crisis is something that will actually exacerbate the wealth gap that is making the rich richer and the poor poorer. This is because, during the crisis, the rich can buy more assets at a lower price, and when the economy recovers and asset prices start to rise again, the wealth of the rich will increase to record highs.
Predictions on global politics
Overall, 2022 will be a tumultuous year. Apart from the Russia-Ukraine crisis, the most worrying crisis will be financial turmoil. Parker-Hamilton predicted that the Canadian truckers’ protests will be one of the factors that lead to a change of government in Canada with more and more Canadians dissatisfied with the performance of Justin Trudeau.

Australia’s political scene will also be turbulent with the emergence of smaller parties to break the balance of power between the two equally matched major parties, the Liberal Party and the Labor Party. There will be a swing away from the Liberal Party towards Labor. After that, all the major parties in Australia will make adjustments to become more independent and self-sufficient and gradually shake off the Chinese government’s influence.
At the end of 2021, Parker predicted the death of Queen Elizabeth II next year, and that U.S. President Joe Biden will leave office for health reasons while Vice President Harris will be acting-president for a short period of time.
He claimed to have seen a tsunami-like event with lots of water and flooding in Australia. This prediction came true earlier in March this year with NSW and Queensland experiencing the worst floods and rainfall in hundreds of years. He is also certain that in 2022, the world will gradually be rid of the influence of China.
It is still early days in the year 2022, we will see if more of his predictions will come true. In the meantime, we pray for a speedy end to the Russia-Ukraine war with the least amount of human casualties.
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