Finding the meaning of a bonsai in feng shui is key to understanding a vast part of feng shui philosophy, which is arranging the pieces in living spaces to create balance with the natural world. So, if you’re a feng shui or bonsai enthusiast, learn how this miniature tree can teach you a lot about life.
While there are many disciplines to learn in feng shui, the most important ones can be found in maintaining nature in one’s home.
If you are trying to attract good energy and live in peace with the world, read more to learn the teachings that a bonsai in feng shui can help you learn.
No matter the course of your life, it is always important to let nature teach you something.
What a bonsai in feng shui means
Bonsai in Japanese translates to tray planting, and the growing discipline involves consistently trimming down the plant to control its growth.
The whole practice of raising the miniature tree, in itself, is already a lesson one can apply to feng shui. However, to put its virtue in more practical terms, a bonsai can mean trimming off unnecessary things in our lives to maintain and cultivate beauty.
The bonsai is also close to the wood element, representing kindness, growth, and abundance. The thing about the miniature tree, however, is that its development is directed manually to unleash its true beauty.
Should I add a bonsai to my home to improve my feng shui?
The answer to this question depends on what stage of life you are in. Since a bonsai does not represent rapid growth but rather slow, controlled growth, it could be against your situation if you are in a phase where you are growing fast.
If you are in a phase where you are slowing down, however, it is a perfect representation of this time. By consistently trimming and manipulating the miniature tree, you’ll learn to use that practice in other aspects of your life.
The lesson of the bonsai is to trim what will direct you to the wrong path and to control what will help you maintain your peace.

What are instances when I should not have a bonsai for feng shui?
There are certain instances where getting a bonsai might not help your state. For example, if you own the miniature tree at the wrong time or your life or place it in the wrong place, this could harm your feng shui.
In a child’s room
If you have a child, a bonsai does not represent the stage they are in; it does the opposite. A child’s room should be themed after growth and progress, not cutting back and maintaining peace.
If you are in an aggressive place phase
Say you just got a new job, moved to a big city, or are training or preparing for something exciting; a bonsai might not be the best addition to help your feng shui. It might be best to get one at a different time of your life.
In a fast-paced environment
If you have a fast-paced business or have a place where many people come and go frequently, this might not be the best place for your bonsai. The miniature tree should be kept in an environment that keeps consistent, is at peace, and stays constant.

If it’s not a good time to own a bonsai, is my feng shui bad?
Seek, and you shall become. If you are in a state of life where you want to be at peace with nature by incorporating elements of it into your home, your feng shui is good. There is still a way for you to maintain a good feng shui status despite being in a fast-paced environment.
Not having a bonsai doesn’t mean that your feng shui is terrible. It just means that it might not be time for it to be added to your home. Having good feng shui is about having balance.
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