Many retired people enjoy sipping tea while reading a newspaper, yet few are aware of both the benefits and drawbacks to drinking tea. Few can argue against the health benefits of tea, but if you drink tea under certain conditions, there may be health consequences. In the following situations, it is wise to avoid drinking tea for the elderly.
On an empty stomach
Tea contains caffeine and other alkaloids. The body reacts to the absorption of these items by exhibiting symptoms such as palpitation, dizziness, weakness in the limbs, and absentmindedness. This is particularly true for people who drink tea in the morning on an empty stomach. This is known as tea intoxication. Tea intoxication can be relieved by eating a piece of candy or drinking sugar water.
Compared to the young, the elderly have a weaker digestive system. Elderly people who suffer from duodenal and stomach ulcers will often feel worse after drinking tea. This is most pronounced if you drink strong tea in the morning on an empty stomach. Tea contains tannic acid, and too much may lead to indigestion or constipation.
Under the influence of alcohol
Tea plays a role in stimulating the nervous system. Drinking strong tea when you are intoxicated will put stress on your heart. For the elderly with a weak heart and kidneys, drinking large amounts of strong tea is undesirable, especially when combined with alcohol.
Before bedtime
The absorption of substances contained in tea can stimulate the central nervous system. Drinking tea can lead to insomnia, especially drinking newly roasted green tea. Tea has a diuretic effect, so drinking tea before bedtime may cause frequent urination, which will affect the quality of sleep.
Under medication
Some elderly people who suffer from chronic diseases that require long-term medication, such as sedative drugs, sleep aids, and other anti-arrhythmic drugs, should not drink large amounts of tea. The theophylline found in tea may also reduce the analgesic effect of some pain relievers.
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