Just Strange

Did the Soviets Almost Create a Zombie Army?

Insomnia appears to be a common phenomenon in the 21st century. Various studies around the world show 10 to 30 percent of the population suffer from insomnia. But can prolonged lack of sleep lead to people becoming like zombies and turn them into a zombie army? This video will talk about the Russian Sleep Experiment ...

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Did the Soviets almost create a zombie army?

The Truth Behind the Metaverse: Is It the Matrix v1.0?

The latest buzzword: Metaverse. Matrix 4 has recently come out on the big screens. Recalling the first Matrix movie, the concept of humans living in a metaverse world made by machines where they are simply being used as energy sources is quite disturbing. However, after walking out of the cinemas, it wasn’t hard to put ...

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The tuth behind the metaverse.

432Hz: The Mysterious Frequency That You Didn’t Know About

Perhaps you have heard of the power of 432 Hz, which is considered the most “harmonious melody in the universe” and is said to be able to purify the mind, relax the body, and even have a healing effect. The frequency of 432Hz even helped to reduce crime rates at shopping malls. What is the ...

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Secrets Under the Great Sphinx of Egypt That Governments Are Hiding

Many people have confirmed the existence of secret chambers beneath the Great Sphinx of Egypt, which is said to hold valuable information that could change the world forever. However, almost no one knows about it. Many research teams have confirmed the existence of chambers beneath the statue, but all of this information has been suppressed. ...

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Are Our Brains Really Necessary?

Are humans able to live a normal life without a brain? Yes! It appears that some of us do. Scientists have found many people are able to live a normal life without detectable brains. How is this possible? Could we have a “brain” or spiritual consciousness independent of our material bodies? Keep watching to find ...

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UFO Secrets Revealed by Woman From Venus

Omnec Onec, the woman who claims to come from Venus, has revealed secrets on how aliens and extra-terrestrials live on other planets. She says there are extra-terrestrial beings from other planets who came to our solar system long ago from four different galaxies. The alien worlds also exist on a different frequency invisible to the ...

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Are We Living in the Matrix?

Is it possible that humans could eventually create a “simulated world”? If so, then how can we be sure that we are not already living in one? What is “real”? Are we living in a matrix? This video delves into the strange disappearance of Silicon Valley CEO Erin Valenti.

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Are the Earth’s Magnetic Poles Actually Flipping?!

The flipping of the Earth’s magnetic poles is like a person having a heart attack and there are many signs this might be happening right now. If the magnetic field disappears, cosmic rays will bombard our bodies, causing serious diseases such as cancer, and even change our DNA. We would also lose control of satellites, ...

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Disintegrating Earth.

Did NASA Really Discover HEAVEN With the Hubble Space Telescope?

This universe is truly vast and infinite, but could science prove that heaven really exists? Even if they already had the evidence and released it to the public, could people accept it? Did you know that despite spending most of their lives studying science, in their later years, many accomplished scientists became devoted to religion ...

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Young woman and a glowing spaceship.

What Is Hidden on the Other Side of the Moon?

The Moon as a whole remains a mystery and more research is needed to unravel it. Is the Moon a natural body? Or is it artificial? What secrets are hidden on the unseen backside of the Moon? The far side of the Moon is the lunar hemisphere that always faces away from Earth, opposite to the near side, because ...

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