Every so often, astronomers glimpse an intense flash of radio waves from space — a flash that lasts …
fast radio bursts
Flip-Flopping Magnetic Fields Hint at a Solution for Puzzling Fast Radio Bursts From Space
by Troy Oakesby Troy OakesFast radio bursts — intense, milliseconds-long flashes of radio energy from outer space — have puzzled astronomers since …
For the First Time, Astronomers Have Linked a Mysterious Fast Radio Burst With Gravitational Waves
by Troy Oakesby Troy OakesWe have just published evidence in Nature Astronomy for what might be producing mysterious bursts of radio waves …
Intense Radio Burst in Milky Way Could Help Resolve Origins of Mysterious Phenomenon
by Troy Oakesby Troy OakesNew data from a Canadian-led team of astronomers, including researchers from the McGill Space Institute and McGill University Department of Physics, …
Scientists have often been baffled by Fast Radio Bursts (FRB), radio signals that are just milliseconds in length …
‘Is Anybody There?’ Earth Receiving Signals From Deep Space in 16-Day Cycles
by Armin Auctorby Armin AuctorAn object 500 million light-years away from Earth has been sending signals once every 16 days, baffling scientists. …
Aussie Telescope Almost Doubles Number of Mysterious ‘Fast Radio Bursts’
by Troy Oakesby Troy OakesAustralian researchers using a CSIRO radio telescope in Western Australia have nearly doubled the known number of “fast …