Two satellites headed to Mars — dubbed “Blue” and “Gold” — led by the University of California, Berkeley, …
Over the last two decades, scientists have found ice in many locations on Mars. Most Martian ice has …
Can you see NASA’s newest rover in this picture from Jezero Crater? NASA’s Ingenuity Mars Helicopter recently completed …
Lakes on Mars might not be lakes after all. Three studies published in the past month have cast …
A combination of a once-debunked 19th-century identification of a water-carrying iron mineral and the fact that these rocks …
Icy Clouds Could Have Kept Early Mars Warm Enough for Rivers and Lakes, Study Finds
by Troy Oakesby Troy OakesOne of the great puzzles of modern space science is neatly summed up by the view from NASA’s …
After Curiosity, Perseverance Is All Set to Look for Ancient Proof of Life on Mars
by Armin Auctorby Armin AuctorMars, the red neighbor of Earth, has been a planet of interest, including the possibility of life on …
Another First: Perseverance Captures the Sounds of Driving on Mars
by Troy Oakesby Troy OakesAs the Perseverance rover began to make tracks on the surface of Mars, a sensitive microphone it carries …
Ancient Zircon Minerals From Mars Reveal Its Elusive Internal Structure
by Troy Oakesby Troy OakesThe uranium-bearing mineral zircon is an abundant constituent of Earth’s continental crust, providing information about the age and …
A New Theory: Water May Naturally Occur on All Rocky Planets
by Troy Oakesby Troy OakesLife is deeply dependent on water, but where does it come from? Based on new research, researchers believe …