lakes on mars, mars, new discoveries, research, water on mars

Clays, Not Water, Are Likely Source of Lakes on Mars

Lakes on Mars might not be lakes after all. Three studies published in the past month have cast doubt on the premise of there being subsurface lakes below the Martian south pole. Where there’s water, there’s life. That’s the case on Earth, at least, and also why scientists remain tantalized by any evidence suggesting there’s ...

Troy Oakes

The Apollinaris Patera volcamno on Mars.

Earthly Rocks Point Way to Water Hidden on Mars

A combination of a once-debunked 19th-century identification of a water-carrying iron mineral and the fact that these rocks are extremely common on Earth, suggests the existence of substantial water hidden on Mars, according to a team of geoscientists. Peter J. Heaney, professor of geosciences, said: “One of my student’s experiments was to crystalize hematite. She ...

Troy Oakes

A Martian landscape.

Another First: Perseverance Captures the Sounds of Driving on Mars

As the Perseverance rover began to make tracks on the surface of Mars, a sensitive microphone it carries scored a first — the sounds of driving on Mars, including the bangs, pings, and rattles of the robot’s six wheels as they rolled over Martian terrain. Vandi Verma, a senior engineer and rover driver at NASA’s ...

Troy Oakes

Mars Perseverance photo of Mars.

Ancient Zircon Minerals From Mars Reveal Its Elusive Internal Structure

The uranium-bearing mineral zircon is an abundant constituent of Earth’s continental crust, providing information about the age and origin of the continents and large geological features such as mountain chains and giant volcanoes. But unlike Earth, the crust of Mars is not evolved and is compositionally similar to the crust found under the Earth’s oceans, ...

Troy Oakes

A partial eclipse of Mars.

A New Theory: Water May Naturally Occur on All Rocky Planets

Life is deeply dependent on water, but where does it come from? Based on new research, researchers believe it may emerge in connection with the formation of planets. The emergence of life is a mystery. Nevertheless, researchers agree that water is a precondition for life. The first cell emerged in water and then evolved to ...

Troy Oakes

The planet Mars.

Escape from Mars: How water fled the red planet

Mars once had oceans but is now bone-dry, leaving many to wonder how the water was lost. University of Arizona researchers have discovered a surprisingly large amount of water in the upper atmosphere of Mars, where it is rapidly destroyed, explaining part of this Martian mystery. Shane Stone, a graduate student in the University of ...

Troy Oakes

This artist's concept depicts the early Martian environment (right) — believed to contain liquid water and a thicker atmosphere – versus the cold, dry environment seen at Mars today (left).

Mars Plays Shepherd to Our Moon’s Long-Lost Twin

An international team of planetary scientists, led by astronomers at AOP, have found an asteroid trailing behind Mars with a composition very similar to the Moon’s. The asteroid could be an ancient piece of debris, dating back to the gigantic impacts that formed the Moon and the other rocky planets in our solar system like ...

Troy Oakes

The Moon and Mars at night over a field.

Why China Is Going to Mars

In July, China launched its first Mars exploration mission called Tianwen-1, consisting of an orbiter, rover, and a lander. The objective of the mission is to look for evidence of both past and current life on Mars as well as analyze the environment of the planet. The mission is expected to reach the planet in ...

Max Lu

The launch of China's Mars mission seen from multiple angles.