gravitational waves, outer space, study, universe, universe expanding

How Fast Is Our Universe Expanding? Gravitational Waves May Hold the Answer

Gravitational waves may hold the key to the universe’s expansion. Since it first exploded into existence 13.8 billion years ago, the universe has been expanding, dragging along with it hundreds of billions of galaxies and stars, much like raisins in a rapidly rising dough. Astronomers have pointed telescopes to certain stars and other cosmic sources ...

Troy Oakes

A neutron star merging with a black hole.

‘X’-ploring the Eagle Nebula and ‘Pillars of Creation’

The Eagle Nebula, also known as Messier 16, contains the young star cluster NGC 6611. It also the site of the spectacular star-forming region known as the Pillars of Creation, which is located in the southern portion of the Eagle Nebula. This new composite image shows the region around the Pillars, which are about 5,700 ...

Troy Oakes

‘Red Nuggets’ Are Galactic Gold for Astronomers

About a decade ago, astronomers discovered a population of small, but massive galaxies called “red nuggets.” A new study using NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory indicates that black holes have squelched star formation in these galaxies and may have used some of the untapped stellar fuel to grow to unusually massive proportions. Red nuggets were first ...

Troy Oakes

Red nugget galaxy Mrk 1316.

Astronomers See Distant Eruption as Black Hole Destroys Star

For the first time, astronomers have directly imaged the formation and expansion of a fast-moving jet of material ejected when the powerful gravity of a supermassive black hole ripped apart a star that wandered too close to the cosmic monster. The scientists tracked the event with radio and infrared telescopes, including the National Science Foundation’s ...

Troy Oakes

NASA Finds Ancient Organic Material, Mysterious Methane on Mars

NASA’s Curiosity rover has found new evidence of ancient organic material preserved in rocks on Mars that suggests the planet could have supported life, as well as new evidence in the Martian atmosphere that relates to the search for current life on the Red Planet. While not necessarily evidence of life itself, these findings are ...

Troy Oakes

NASA’s Curiosity rover.

Distant Moons May Harbor Life

We’ve all heard about the search for life on other planets, but what about looking at other distant moons? UCR researchers have identified 121 giant planets that may have habitable satellites. In a paper forthcoming in The Astrophysical Journal, researchers at the University of California, Riverside, and the University of Southern Queensland have identified more than 100 ...

Troy Oakes

An exomoon.

More Mystery Objects Found Near Milky Way’s Supermassive Black Hole

Astronomers have discovered several bizarre objects at the Galactic Center near the Milky Way’s supermassive black hole that are concealing their true identity behind a smokescreen of dust; they look like gas clouds, but behave like stars. At the American Astronomical Society Meeting in Denver, a team of researchers, led by UCLA Postdoctoral Scholar Anna ...

Troy Oakes

The Milky Way's supermassive black hole.

The Most Complete Ultraviolet Light Survey of Nearby Galaxies

An international team of astronomers is releasing the most comprehensive, high-resolution ultraviolet light survey of nearby star-forming galaxies by capitalizing on the unparalleled sharpness and spectral range of NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope. The researchers combined new Hubble observations with archival Hubble images for 50 star-forming spiral and dwarf galaxies in the local universe, offering a ...

Troy Oakes

Could a Multiverse Be Hospitable to Life?

A Multiverse — where our Universe is only one of many — might not be as inhospitable to life as previously thought, according to new research. Questions about whether other universes might exist as part of a larger Multiverse, and if they could harbor life, are burning issues in modern cosmology. Now new research led ...

Troy Oakes

The Fastest-Growing Black Hole Known in Space Has Been Discovered

Astronomers at ANU have found the fastest-growing black hole known in the Universe, describing it as a monster that devours a mass equivalent to our sun every two days. The astronomers have looked back more than 12 billion years to the early dark ages of the Universe, when this supermassive black hole was estimated to ...

Troy Oakes