indo-pacific-crocodile, new discoveries, paludirex vincenti, prehistoric, prehistoric crocodile

Massive Prehistoric Crocodile Emerges From Australia

A prehistoric crocodile measuring more than five meters long — dubbed the “swamp king” — ruled Southeastern Queensland waterways only a few million years ago. University of Queensland researchers identified the new species of prehistoric croc — which they named Paludirex vincenti — from fossils first unearthed in the 1980s. Paludirex vincenti was like an Indo-Pacific crocodile ...

Troy Oakes

The Paludirex vincenti crocdile.

African Crocodiles Lived in Spain 6 Million Years Ago

Millions of years ago, several species of crocodiles of different genera and characteristics inhabited Europe and sometimes even coexisted. But among all these species, it was thought unlikely that crocodiles of the genus Crocodylus, of African origin, had ever lived in the Mediterranean basin. The remains found in the Italian regions of Gargano, Tuscany, and ...

Troy Oakes

A crocodile next to a mastodon elephant.