Weather forecasts help you decide whether to go for a picnic, hang out your washing, or ride your …
weather forecasts
Science Unmasked
AI Weather Models Can Now Beat the Best Traditional Forecasts
by Troy Oakesby Troy OakesA new machine-learning weather prediction model called GenCast can outperform the best traditional forecasting systems in at least …
Science Unmasked
Hailstone Library to Improve Extreme Weather Forecasting
by Troy Oakesby Troy OakesThe hailstone library, a University of Queensland library full of hailstones instead of books — is helping researchers …
Science Unmasked
Tonga’s Volcanic Eruption Could Cause Unusual Weather for the Rest of the Decade
by Troy Oakesby Troy OakesThe Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai (Hunga Tonga for short) eruption occurred on January 15, 2022, in the Pacific Kingdom …
Weather forecasts have become less accurate during the COVID-19 pandemic due to the reduction in commercial flights, according …