There are many things in this world you might find yourself disappointed in. It might be the way people treat each other, how they deal with the environment, act selfishly without concern for others, and so on. Living in such a world, you might end up thinking that there is nothing you can do to improve the situation. However, this is not true. Whatever you do has consequences, which even though small, have the potential to create a huge impact.
5 ways to change the world by changing yourself
1. Be kind
Rather than looking for other people to be kind, take it upon yourself to be kind. Decide that you will look for at least one kind thing to do every day. Maybe you are walking back from the office and see an elderly lady struggling with her grocery bags. Help her out. Maybe you see someone who urgently needs to call their friend but is unable to do so because of a dead smartphone battery. Lend your phone to them so that they can make the call. The more kindness you show others, the higher the possibility that they will pass it on.
Plus, being kind is good for your body. A study found that “acts of kindness create an emotional warmth, which releases a hormone known as oxytocin. Oxytocin causes the release of a chemical called nitric oxide, which dilates the blood vessels. This reduces blood pressure and, therefore, oxytocin is known as a ‘cardioprotective’ hormone. It protects the heart by lowering blood pressure,” according to Huff Post.
2. Plant a garden
With cities around the world losing their green spaces, why not counter the trend by setting up a garden in your own backyard? If you do not have space outside your home, consider turning the terrace or other open space in your home into a garden. Encourage your neighbors to do the same. You can even set up a local organization that teaches people living in the homes and apartments in the community to set up and care for their own gardens.

With urban green spaces on the decline, why not counter the trend by planting a backyard garden yourself? (Image: Screenshot via YouTube)
3. Volunteer
Check out the charitable institutions in your locality and offer to be a volunteer. It might be at a nursing home, a center that provides daycare for poor working mothers, an animal shelter, or something similar. By providing your valuable time, you enable these institutions to run efficiently and reduce expenditures that might have gone into hiring someone.
If possible, encourage your friends and other people in the neighborhood to do the same. You don’t need to volunteer every single day. Just 3 or 4 hours once a week would be enough. If everyone in the region is inspired by your effort and spends 4 hours a week as a volunteer, that in itself will bring about a massive social change.
4. Clean up your surroundings
If you live in an area littered with garbage, you can dedicate some time to cleaning it up. People in the area might see you and decide to lend a hand, turning the garbage-cleaning process into a community event. You can even look for things to salvage while doing it and use the money from selling them for some other social purpose.
5. Group Meditation
If you are into meditation, consider inviting people you know for group meditation sessions. Several research studies have shown that meditation calms the mind and allows one to think rationally. As such, turning the people of your community into a meditation-focused group might be the best thing you can do for society. As they become calmer, they will put in more effort to make the world a better place.

If you are into meditation, consider inviting people you know for group meditation sessions. (Image: Screenshot via YouTube)
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