Money is an item. An item that holds much power over one’s life. For a vast majority of us, our visions of success are seen from an early age. Our dreams may differ, but more often than not, success is defined by monetary terms.
To have money is to be able to travel. With it, you can seek and enjoy your chosen activities for leisure. It also opens doors with a gentle slide, as opposed to a hard push! However, we often ask ourselves, does money define us as human beings?
Money is an item
As much as I believe that most of us would consider that money does define who we are, I can’t say that I’d agree. Our characteristics built from childhood didn’t solely rely on items. Remember, money is an item. As our characters form, our want and need for money may grow, but so does our wisdom. For example, I recently came across the following quote online:
“No person may enjoy outstanding success without good health.”
The realization that true wealth comes with a clean heart and mind and not the number of items in one’s possession means discovering how to achieve success without financial restraints.
Money may be an item, but to be rich is a mindset. Or is that an outdated view? In January 2021, CNBC published a New Wharton study that stated that people are happier when making more money.
However, The Happiness Index published in February 2021 states that although money does contribute to happiness when it assists with meeting a person’s own needs, earning more money only serves as a “protective shield” from life’s aspects that would cause them to be unhappy.
Money creates inequalities
The disadvantages of financial wealth can cause one’s mind to become unhealthy. Finances can cause divisions amongst families; financial wealth can also plant suspicious seeds in the holder’s mind. Money, through its excessive use, creates inequalities in the distribution of income and wealth. This, in turn, continues to cause physical conflict globally.
In February 2020, 59 percent of England’s population identified themselves as Christian. Many Christians believe that wealth should be used to help others who are less fortunate than themselves. Christianity teaches that although there is nothing wrong with wealth, to desire wealth is wrong.
Having been raised as a Catholic, I decided not to pursue religion further once I reached my teenage years. For me, teachings like the one demonstrated conflict with my desires. Although success to me isn’t purely financially defined, it does come as a highly valued bonus.
Homelessness rose in England by 36 percent in June 2020. Following the global Covid-19 pandemic, the numbers are expected to rise. For me, this is our test. Religious teachings often speak of “Judgement Day.” How can we be so sure that now isn’t our time to all be judged? Judged on our true morals and whether or not we define ourselves in monetary terms, or not.
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