People pay importance to different people in their lives and if you ask a question about who the most important person in their life is, you will get different answers from different people. Some may say they think their parents are most important while for others, their spouse is the most important person.
Then there are those who consider their children to be the most important in their lives. In some instances, you may find people looking up to a close friend as the most important person in their life. It depends on their mindset, insight, and perspectives.
Sometimes, people consider absolute strangers very important in their lives owing to certain developments and contributions made by the latter. These are not very common though. A person who receives help from a stranger during a crisis may think of the latter as an important person even though they do not have blood ties.

An orphan who is adopted by a family and nurtured like their own offspring may consider their foster parents as the most important people. It is not uncommon to see some women and men considering their mentors, such as teachers, to be the most important people in their lives.
The most important person in your life may change over time
The noteworthy thing is that for a section of people, the same person may not remain the most important person all through life. Those following decadent cultural conditioning, morality, and social narratives may give that special place to certain relatives all through their lives, but they are exceptions. With time, your likings and priorities change and that affects the concept and position of the most important person in your life.
For example, a woman may consider her husband to be the most important person after tying the knot. However, if the marriage falls apart and they part ways, her notion may be changed forever. If you find a relative you held in high esteem has betrayed your faith, he or she may become insignificant in your eyes.

Unexpected developments and turns of events can affect the dynamics of human relationships severely. These in turn change the relative importance of equations and relations with people in your life.
From a different perspective, you may think of yourself as the most important person in your life. If you do not exist, there is no meaning in relationships and the bonds you form with others.
Practically speaking, if the people you consider to be very important sever ties with you or pass away unexpectedly, you will be grief-stricken for some time, but life will not come to a stop.
So no one is absolutely indispensable and you have to live for yourself regardless of who stays in your life or leaves. It is your life that matters the most.
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