How would you reduce the screen time your children spend using electronic devices?
Some parents give their children a mobile phone or tablet as a gift. Before long, the number of hours children spend using these devices can become considerable.
Technology is advancing at a rampant speed. It immerses society and engulfs it. There isn’t a day in the life of or a part of society that is not somehow impacted by technology and its many types of devices.
Children are especially being drawn in ever deeper into the spiral of technology and devices.
Children nowadays use smartphones, tablets, and laptops when they are as young as two or three. While this ability can benefit physical and cognitive growth, the disadvantage is too significant to overlook.
A gadget’s adverse affects
Teens spend around 9 hours daily in front of a device’s screen, while youngsters (8-12) spend approximately 6 hours. The following are some negative consequences of children’s excessive gadget use:
- Problems with behavior
- Addiction
- Depression
- Reduce a child’s sleep
- Obesity
- Postponement of social development
- Difficulties with attention and hearing
- Nervous system complications
It might be challenging to keep your child away from devices; this can result in withdrawal symptoms, such as a loss of appetite and temper outbursts.

Avoiding gadget addiction
Even as adults, it is challenging to overcome an addiction. This is why specific preventative steps are required to guarantee your child does not develop a habit. With the ubiquitous usage of electronics everywhere, it is critical to implement these 8 steps to gadget addiction prevention in children:
1. Set examples
Children will always mimic what their parents do rather than what their parents should say. They will do the same if they see you spending a lot of time on devices. So instead, set a good example by creating healthy habits for yourself (such as reading, cycling, etc.) and encouraging your children to do the same.
At the absolute least, try to restrict your time spent on electronics (especially the phone!) when around your youngster.
2. Enforce rules strictly
As a responsible parent, you must ensure that your child leads a healthy lifestyle and practices good behaviors. Make difficult decisions and, despite appealing and enticing, set a firm limit on dangerous behaviors, such as excessive TV or computer usage. Be careful to explain the logic behind your decision to them.
A decent rule of thumb is no screen time for children under 18 months and one hour per day for children aged 2 to 5. Beyond that, try to minimize screen time as much as possible (mainly digital media) and keep it to no more than 2-3 hours per day.
This includes TV, laptops, gaming, and cell phone use. These guidelines follow the new standards established by the American Academy of Pediatrics.
3. Establish a daily screen time limit
Allow your child adequate screen time, regardless of the device. For example, allow your child to watch TV, use the computer, and so on, and it will enable them to select the time of day they want to use the devices. This gives him a sense of independence while also involving him in decision-making.
4. Involve children in extracurricular activities
To prevent gadget addiction, keep track of your child’s use of gadgets and provide your youngster with various options that capture their interest. For example, involve your child in enrichment activities, such as read-aloud sessions, sports, board games, art and craft time, etc.

5. Bond with your child
Nowadays, parents’ time with their children is restricted due to their hectic schedules. As a result, it is critical to set aside time for bonding activities with youngsters. Engaging your youngster in cleaning, cooking, or gardening will keep her away from cell phones.
Encourage your youngster to explore activities, such as music listening, instrument playing, reading, and drawing. Spend your weekends enjoying family activities like swimming, playing games, watching movies, etc.
6. Set up passwords
Let’s face it; you can’t always be with your child and monitor them. In situations like this, technology can come to your aid. Set a password on your phone to prevent your child from using it while you are away.
7. Keep an eye on the content your child consumes
Ensure your child’s material, including video games and cartoons, is age appropriate. Take advantage of this chance to talk with your youngster about values and morality. This is especially significant in how violence, women, and problem-solving are portrayed in video games.
8. Recognize your child’s efforts
Finally, it is crucial to recognize your child’s actions when he prioritizes other activities over screen time. Positive reinforcement will encourage your youngster to continue doing so!
Do you have other suggestions for preventing and controlling gadget addiction in children? Share your thoughts with other moms in the comments section below.
Final words
Every gadget has advantages and disadvantages. They may be both educational and harmful. Face-to-face interaction with family, children, and friends has been demonstrated to substantially influence children’s healthy development.
As adults, do not allow your child to become engrossed in the world of television and technology. On the other hand, allowing your children to play with mobile devices and gain well-deserved relaxation is OK, as long as they don’t become addicted and use gadgets responsibly, finding a balance between real life and gadget addiction.
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