The Top Dad Jokes to Make You Laugh or Groan

Colorful text on black background that reads: 'Dad jokes are how eye roll.'
To bring you up to speed with some of the best (or worst) dad jokes, we present a list from a recent poll conducted across the United States. (Image: Shohag Hossain via Dreamstime)

There’s one universal experience that often brings smiles to our faces: Dad jokes. No matter how corny or chuckle-worthy, we always remember those jokes our dads cracked. To bring you up to speed with some of the best (or worst) dad jokes, we present a list from a recent poll conducted across the United States.

The universality of dad jokes

Wherever you go, if your dad is close by, you can count on hearing a dad joke. Dads seem to have a superpower for pulling out a quip suitable for any place or situation. Reliable as they are, they’re always ready to lighten the mood.

Food-related dad jokes

These dad jokes often surface at the dining table or in a restaurant. Dads love to dish out jokes whenever and wherever they can, taking great satisfaction when they catch you off guard. Here are some food-related favorites:

Smiling father eats breakfast with his young son.
Dads love to dish out jokes whenever and wherever they can, including at the dining table or in a restaurant. (Image: Photosvit via Dreamstime)

“Wanna hear a joke about a pizza? Never mind, it’s too cheesy.”

“What did one plate whisper to the other plate? Dinner is on me.”

“Did you hear the rumor about butter? Well, I’m not going to go spreading it!”

“What do you call a fake noodle? An impasta.”

“What made the tomato blush? It saw the salad dressing.”

Dad jokes for the road

When tasked with driving, dads also take charge of delivering the laughs. Whether it’s a traffic jam or a long road trip, they know how to transform the journey with their puns:

“I was driving to town and saw the sign Chicago-Left, so I turned around and went home.”

“I refuse to take my dog on road trips anymore. He can be such a bark seat driver.”

“How do you deal with a fear of speed bumps? You slowly get over it.”

“What happens when a frog’s car breaks down? It has to be toad away.”

“‘Ah, this takes me back’ (when putting the car into reverse).”

Random dad jokes

Dads possess an incredible knack for finding humor in almost any topic. Mention anything in conversation, and your dad can conjure up a related joke, as seen in these examples:

Dad pretending to fly as he lays on the couch with his cute daughter sitting on his back.
Dads possess an incredible knack for finding humor in almost any topic. (Image: Fizkes via Dreamstime)

“Why did the math book look sad? Because it had too many problems!”

“Why did the coffee file a police report? It got mugged!”

“Singing in the shower is fun until you get soap in your mouth. Then it’s a soap opera.”

“How do you follow Will Smith in the Mud? Follow the fresh prints.”

“What’s an astronaut’s favorite part of the computer? The Space Bar.”

Self-deprecating dad jokes

Dads don’t hesitate to make themselves the punchline, proving their humility and good humor. Here are some dad jokes that focus on self-deprecation:

“I tried to explain to my 4-year-old son that it’s perfectly normal to accidentally poop your pants. But he’s still making fun of me.”

“I was going to tell you a joke about time travel, but you didn’t like it.”

“My doctor told me I’ve really grown as a person. Well, her exact words were that I “gained excess weight.”

“My kid is blaming me for ruining their birthday. That’s ridiculous, I didn’t even know it was today!”

“I told my wife that a husband is like a fine wine: we just get better with age. The next day she locked me in the cellar.”

The art of dad jokes

At their core, dad jokes rely on clever wordplay and puns. They start with a serious question or observation, then deliver an unexpected twist or double meaning. While some may love them and others may not, the wit behind these puns is undeniable.

Why we love dad jokes

While they might earn a groan or an eye roll, it’s important to appreciate the men behind these jokes. They are the providers who remain whimsical and optimistic, always ready to uplift everyone around them.

Dad jokes, day in and day out, serve as a reminder to embrace the lighter side of life. And it’s for this reason that dad jokes hold a special place in our hearts.

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