In an age where law enforcement agencies utilize advanced technology, there lies an unlikely aid to criminal investigations: the parrot. These colorful and intelligent birds have been at the center of some rather unusual criminal cases around the world. Whether they’re accidentally leading police to a scene or becoming the prime witnesses in crimes, parrots have proven both a boon and a nuisance to investigators.
Some of the most fascinating cases involving parrots
The bird that cried for help
One night in June 2022, police in West Midlands County received a call where someone reported they heard a woman screaming for help from a locked house. Upon breaking in, they found the house empty except for an innocent parrot, quietly perched in its cage. The homeowner’s son soon arrived to explain that the bird had learned to cry “help me” and would shout it endlessly whenever it was bored.
This is far from over; these clever parrots not only mimic cries for help to mislead and waste police resources, but they can also become actual accomplices in criminal gangs, challenging law enforcement directly.
Parrots in the criminal underworld
In 2010, Colombian police were engaged in repeated raids on a local drug cartel’s headquarters, but they were always one step behind, arousing suspicion about the drug dealers’ methods of detection. After several days of distant observation, authorities uncovered that the drug dealers had trained three parrots to alert them of approaching police. Whenever officers were near, the birds would cry out in Spanish: “Run, run, the cat is coming!” In the end, the police managed to outmaneuver the watchful eyes of these three parrots, successfully apprehending all the drug dealers involved, and even detaining the three parrots as a part of the operation.
The silent witness in Brazil
In a coincidental turn of events, Brazilian police in the state of Piaui conducted a raid on a drug den in 2019. Along with arresting several drug dealers, they captured a parrot that had been trained to serve as a lookout for the criminals. Upon spotting the officers, the parrot would cry out “Mom, police!” to alert the dealers.
Even more extraordinary was the bird’s sudden silence upon being apprehended. Neither coaxing by the police nor attempts by experts could make it speak again. Its refusal to say a word persisted even after the drug dealer confessed to the crimes. Left with no other options, the police handed the stoic and “tough parrot” over to a local zoo, where it was eventually released into the wild after undergoing flight training.
Unraveling a murder mystery
Parrots have also served justice. A case in Michigan in 2015 saw a parrot mimicking a domestic argument and gunfire, revealing the truth behind a husband’s murder by his wife. She was charged and imprisoned, all thanks to the unwitting testimony of the pet parrot.
A witness to a crime in India
In a remarkable case from February 2014, Vijay Sharma, the editor-in-chief of Agra News in Agra, India, returned home from an outing with his children to discover his wife’s lifeless body. Following the incident, the family’s parrot began acting strangely, refusing to eat or drink. Suspecting that it had “witnessed” the crime, Vijay decided to read the names of possible suspects in front of the bird. When he reached the name of the deceased’s nephew, Ash, the parrot reacted with a startle and a loud cry. This reaction led the police to focus on the nephew, ultimately uncovering evidence that he was indeed the murderer in this tragic case.
Unearthing elder abuse
In 2010, a tragic incident unfolded in South Carolina when a 98-year-old woman was found dead in her home. As the police sorted through her belongings, they removed the deceased’s pet parrot, seven dogs, and several cats. During this process, the parrot suddenly began to speak, pleading: “Help me, help me,” followed by a chilling laugh in a different voice. The officers quickly realized that the bird was mimicking the desperate cries of the old woman calling for her daughter’s help, and the subsequent laughter was a cruel imitation of the daughter’s response. This unsettling revelation led to the arrest and imprisonment of the daughter for the crime of elder abuse leading to the woman’s death.
Echo, the protected witness
Perhaps one of the most extraordinary cases involves a parrot named Echo, who not only supplied crucial evidence for a criminal investigation, but was even placed into what might be likened to a witness (bird) protection program.
Echo was originally the pet of a crime boss in the New Orleans area of the United States. After the owner’s arrest on child abuse charges, among other allegations, the parrot was discreetly taken into custody and sent to the home of a wildlife rehabilitator for care. During this time, Echo would often repeat seemingly meaningless sounds, such as moans, loud thumps, children’s cries, and disturbingly loud laughter. However, these eerie vocalizations turned out to be critical evidence, enabling the police to build a substantial case for prosecution.
Parrots have proven themselves to be both a perplexing challenge and an unlikely ally in criminal investigations. Their innate intelligence and mimicry abilities have placed them at the center of fascinating and sometimes humorous cases, making them a love-hate figure among law enforcement. Whether solving crimes or causing mischief, these bright and clever birds continue to intrigue and bewilder those on both sides of the law.
Translated by Patty Zhang
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