Living in the big city of Hong Kong, the fast-paced life leaves me breathless. Daily repetitive work, even dreaming about equations and reports. Wondering where to find the data we need.
Arc de Triomphe in Paris
I’ve always wanted a long vacation. Now’s the golden time for holiday travel. YEAH! Take me to the other side of the world. Experience different cultures at leisure!
Haha! Finally, I’m in Paris, France!

My first stop is the famous Arc de Triomphe. Wow! It’s so tall!
The Arc de Triomphe is one of the most famous landmarks in Paris. It was named for the victorious return from battle, in the 18th century, of Napoleon, who conquered various countries, dominating all of Europe. In 1805, to flaunt French power, celebrate the triumphs of war, and welcome the victorious French soldiers, he ordered the construction of this triumphal arch.

The Arc de Triomphe is 49 meters high, adorned with intricate colossal reliefs that depict Napoleon’s great achievements. On the right, you see the relief “Le Départ de 1792 (La Marseillaise).” It tells the story of the valiant soldiers from Marseille repelling the enemy, and saving their nation.
Writers : Rachel Tso, Maggie Wu
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