Haidene Go

12 Enchanting Waterfalls Featured on New U.S. Postal Stamps

Waterfalls stand tall as nature’s poetry in motion in a world where nature’s magnificent beauties inspire the soul and ignite our creativity. Their cascading flow, shimmering veils, and thunderous roars fascinate our senses and leave us speechless.  The United States Postal Service has recognized the magnificence of these natural wonders by featuring 12 of the ...

Haidene Go

Niagara Falls.

Endurance and Hard Work: Preparing Children for Life’s Obstacles

As parents, it’s our instinct to love and support our children to set them up for a happy, successful life. Yet, an old saying warns that “too much of a good thing is not good.” In your attempts to shield your children from life’s harsh realities, you may unintentionally prevent them from undertaking challenging experiences ...

Haidene Go

Happy brother and sister leap into the air while holding hands outside by a pond.

Museum on Wheels: Igniting the Spark of Curiosity in Children

Imagine a museum that travels to rural villages bringing the fantastic wonders of art, science, history, and culture to children who might not know about everything their country offers. That is the exciting and unique concept of the “Museum on Wheels,” an initiative that aims to brighten the lives of children in Mumbai, India’s rural ...

Haidene Go

The Museum on Wheels.

How a Hug Can Make Miracles Happen

Do miracles exist? Our world is governed by logic and science; extraordinary events often spark awe and amazement. However, the idea that miracles can occur defies the law of nature and transcends our human understanding. While gifts do not happen daily, they have long been a source of wonder and inspiration.  One such extraordinary story ...

Haidene Go

Colored clouds in the sky.

The Power of Forgiveness

It is said that humans are not creatures of logic, but rather of emotions. Human as you are, it is natural for you to feel resentment, hurt, or pain when other people hurt you. Forgiveness is complex, and it involves an intense and complicated process. Before you can forgive the person who has caused you ...

Haidene Go

White stones spelling 'forgive.'

5 Reasons Why No One Is Too Old to Try Something New

An old saying goes: “You can not teach an old dog new tricks.” This idiom means that a person who is too old or used to doing something in a certain way will refuse to learn new things. Do you find yourself in situations where you’re hesitant or even afraid to try something new because ...

Haidene Go

A happy older couple.

11 Picturesque Destinations Photography Enthusiasts Must Travel to in 2022

The world is an amazing place, and when it comes to travel, there are so many fascinating places you may go to. And while every travel destination has its charms, some locations should not be missed due to their natural or artificial splendor.   11 breathtaking spots to travel to that will inspire you on your ...

Haidene Go

Nature photographer with a digital camera sits on top of a mountain taking a photo as the sun peeks through the clouds overhead.

9 Practical Tips to Achieve a Work-Life Balance

Many of us have experienced situations where we felt work had begun to take over or become too much. So in difficult times like this, when many people are adjusting to new ways of working, it may be even more important to establish healthy work boundaries. Examining things in terms of work-life balance — how ...

Haidene Go

Office stress.