Hermann Rohr

Beware of the 6 Health Signs in Your Hands

Different parts of our body carry vital health signs. It is essential to pay attention to the symptoms of liver problems in your hands. If you notice any of the following six abnormalities in your hands, it is vital to seek medical attention as soon as possible. 1. Hand congestion If you experience congestion under ...

Hermann Rohr

Left and right hands.

Heaven Has No Preferences, but Always Rewards Good People for Compassion

As the ancient saying goes: “Heaven has no preferences, but always treats good people with kindness.” Heaven treats all beings equally, but always rewards good people and blesses compassionate ones. The ancients believed in karma, valued righteousness over profit, and helped others in their time of need, which brought them blessings later. Here are a ...

Hermann Rohr

Aerial view of a few spotted clouds and the shining sun on the horizon.

5 Foods That Lower Cholesterol and Protect the Heart

Cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke, is the leading cause of death worldwide, and heart disease is the number one cause of death in the United States. High cholesterol is a common health problem, but the solution doesn’t always come from pills with side effects, according to a cardiologist who has treated thousands of ...

Hermann Rohr

A bowl of oats.

Secrets of the Human Body Revealed Through the 12 Chinese Hours

The ancient Chinese divided one day into 12 Chinese hours, and the human body has 12 meridians, each running for one hour. By arranging your work and rest according to the main characteristics of the corresponding meridian, you can harmonize yin and yang and stay in the optimum state of health. What are the 12 ...

Hermann Rohr

Sunrise over the mountains.

Sweet Potatoes: A Unique Food With a Very Powerful Ability

Sweet potato is a vegetable that has been selected by the National Cancer Research Center of Japan as the first anti-cancer vegetable. A study by the center found that the cancer-suppressing effect of cooked sweet potatoes can be as high as 98.7 percent, and they are very nutritious. Experts call them the health food with ...

Hermann Rohr

Sweet potatoes.

Can Eating Onions, Fungus, and Celery Lower Blood Pressure?

High blood pressure is a vascular disease in which the pressure in the blood vessels is higher than the standard value. It is defined as a systolic pressure of 130 or higher, or a diastolic pressure of 80 or higher. Many people with high blood pressure do not experience any symptoms of discomfort. However, this ...

Hermann Rohr

Whole and sliced onions.

Cause and Effect Behind Lightning Warnings

In ancient China, it was believed that all earthly phenomena were controlled by deities. Lightning, water, fire, wind — everything had a spiritual embodiment, hence the existence of gods of thunder, lightning, water, fire, and wind. The Thunder God, traditionally depicted with wings, three eyes, a face as red as a monkey, and eagle-like claws, ...

Hermann Rohr

Lightning flashing from the clouds during a thunderstorm.