
Scientists Discover Junk DNA Not So Junk

Researchers at the University of Michigan Life Sciences Institute and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute have determined how satellite DNA, considered to be “junk DNA,” plays a crucial role in holding the genome together. Their findings, published recently in the journal eLife, indicate that this genetic “junk” performs the vital function of ensuring that chromosomes ...

Troy Oakes

Ancient Human Footprints Revealed on Canada’s Shoreline

Ancient human footprints found off Canada’s Pacific coast may be 13,000 years old, according to a study published March 28, 2018 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Duncan McLaren and colleagues from the University of Victoria, Canada. Humans are believed to have migrated from Eurasia to North America during the last ice age, which ended around 11,700 ...

Troy Oakes

Why You Also Need to Be Intelligent and Not Just Nice

New research has revealed how people being intelligent, rather than their personality traits, leads to success. Researchers at the Universities of Bristol, Minnesota, and Heidelberg devised a series of games to find out which factors lead to cooperative behavior when people interact in social and workplace situations. Their findings, due to be published in the Journal of ...

Troy Oakes

General Guo Ziyi, Who Conquered Without Fighting

China’s military generals changed history era after era, leaving legends behind them. Guo Ziyi braved the battles, was loyal to his kingdom, and was wise and brave. He mastered warcraft and understood the hidden designs of fate. Listen carefully and you can almost hear the horses galloping on the battlefields. Guo Ziyi, a general and ...

Armin Auctor

Illustration of an ancient Chinese general riding a horse and carrying a spear.

Using Light-Powered Wires to Modulate the Brain’s Electrical Signals

The human brain largely remains a black box. How the network of fast-moving electrical signals turns into thought, movement, and disease remains poorly understood. But it is electrical, so it can be hacked — the question is finding a precise, easy way to modulate the brain’s electrical signals between neurons. A new University of Chicago ...

Troy Oakes

Expats Give Top 6 Reasons to Live in Taiwan

Is it better to live in Taiwan than to live in the U.S.? The two nations are vastly different in terms of size, geography, climate, and system of government. Here’s what some expatriates think. Why expatriots prefer to live in Taiwan 1. Convenient transportation Public transportation in Taiwan is affordable and convenient, with bus and ...

Armin Auctor

11 Strange Facts About Dreams

There are plenty of strange facts about dreams on the Internet, but while these are a natural part of sleeping, it’s surprising that many things about them and their purpose remain unknown. Are your dreams warning you of your future, or are they just the outcome of your daily routine? Some dreams are so vivid ...

Troy Oakes

Is Ramses the Great Fake News? Looks Like It

New archaeological evidence indicates that Pharaoh Ramses II may not have been the Ramses the Great we all thought he was. The archaeological evidence is from an Egyptian excavation 200 miles east of the Libyan border. With these new findings, it has helped bust the formidable reputation of one of the country’s most famous pharaohs. ...

Troy Oakes

Lin Yutang, the Man Who Brought China to the West

Anyone who speaks Mandarin Chinese will end up using at least one of the words invented by cultural giant Lin Yutang. Lin Yutang’s mountain home gives a sometimes playful revelation of the inner life of the man who is said to have done more than anyone else to bring China to the West. Of his ...

Nspirement Staff

Lin Yutang's main study room.

How Much Does Neanderthal DNA Affect Us? How Easily We Tan, for Starters!

Neanderthals have long since walked on Earth; however, about 2 percent of Neanderthal DNA remains in non-African people living today. Now, researchers have discovered those Neanderthal genes have contributed a lot more than just to human immunity and modern diseases. In a new study, researchers have found our Neanderthal inheritance also contributes to other characteristics ...

Troy Oakes