ancient cultures, enlightenment, immortal, spirituality

Miracles, Wonders, and Enlightenment Left by Ancient Cultivation Cultures (Part 1)

For thousands of years, spiritual practice and cultivation principles have been part of Chinese culture and civilization. Countless stories of practitioners becoming immortals, becoming enlightened, and attaining supernatural powers have been passed down and recorded in the annals of history. However, the world is full of skeptics and doubters who don’t believe in enlightenment. No ...

Michael Segarty

Clouds over the mountains.

There’s a Better Way to Parenting: Less Yelling and Less Praise

Raising children the proper way has been an eternal dilemma for parents. Michaeleen Doucleff attempts to clear up some of the myths associated with parenting. The noted NPR journalist points out the mistakes committed by the majority of parents and how they can evade the pitfalls in her well-researched book entitled Hunt, Gather, Parent: What ...

Raven Montmorency

A young boy and girl.