ancient, galaxy, nasa, study, tess

TESS Dates an Ancient Collision With Our Galaxy

An international team of scientists led by the University of Birmingham adopted the novel approach of applying the forensic characterization of a single ancient, bright star called ν Indi as a probe of the history of the Milky Way Galaxy. Stars carry “fossilized records” of their histories and hence the environments in which they formed. ...

Troy Oakes

The Milky Way Galaxy.

Stanford-Led Research Shows Huge Die-Off in Ancient Biosphere

Clues from Canadian rocks formed billions of years ago reveal a previously unknown loss of life even greater than that of the mass extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. The Earth lost nearly three-quarters of its plant and animal species in a huge die-off in the ancient biosphere. Rather than prowling animals, this ...

Troy Oakes

A mass extinction killed most life on Earth.

Scientists Develop New Method for Studying Early Life in Ancient Rocks

Scientists have developed a new method for detecting traces of primordial life in ancient rock formations using potassium. The method relies on searching for high concentrations of potassium in ancient sedimentary rocks, rather than traditional methods that look for carbon, sulfur, or nitrogen—which can appear in ancient rocks through processes unrelated to ancient life. University ...

Troy Oakes

Ancient sediment from a clay formation.

The Ancient Crocodile That Preyed on Dinosaurs

Two fossils, one found more than a century ago and another collected 70 years later, were the clues that enabled a Masters student to identify a new species of prehistoric crocodile. The new species of crocodile has been described from opalized fossils found at Lightning Ridge in NSW, Australia, from a fossil dug up more than ...

Troy Oakes

Artist’s reconstruction of the ancient crocodile Isisfordia molnari.

Ancient DNA Tools Help Scientists Study Evolution From the Source

Archaeologists learn about the past by piecing together artifacts from material culture: The tools, artwork, and architecture left behind that tell us how ancient humans lived. But imagine being able to study their ancient DNA as well to learn about how different groups of people were related to each other, where they came from, or ...

Troy Oakes

Views of the archaeological site 'El Olivar,' Coquimbo Region, Chile.

The Remarkable Skill of Ancient Peru’s Cranial Surgeons

Even with a highly skilled neurosurgeon, the most effective anesthesia, and all the other advances of modern medicine, most of us would cringe at the thought of undergoing cranial surgery today. After all, who needs a hole in their head? Yet for thousands of years, trepanation — the act of scraping, cutting, or drilling an ...

Troy Oakes

How Pigs Defeated Elephants in Battle

This is the story of how pigs defeated elephants in battles. We know that animals such as horses, elephants, cats, dogs, monkeys, and even rhinos have been used in ancient and modern warfare. But who would have thought that pigs (war pigs) would have been used as a weapon of war in ancient times? During ...

Troy Oakes

War elephants.

Indonesian Island Gives Up Its Ancient Cave Paintings

On a tiny Indonesian island, a large number of ancient cave paintings have been discovered. The island is called Kisar, which measures just 81 square kilometers, and was previously unexplored by archaeologists. Now, a team of researchers from The Australian National University (ANU) have found a total of 28 rock art sites. The sites date ...

Troy Oakes

Anthropomorphs gesturing to sun/drum.