childhood education, learning, tablets

Tablets and Learning, the Positive Impacts on Children

People born before the age of the Internet or the Internet boom often refer to the good ol’ days of being outside with friends, playing, and learning about life from nature. Children born today are more comfortable using a smartphone than spending time outdoors. It is not uncommon to pass by a 5-year-old engrossed in a ...

Raven Montmorency

A mother helps her daughter with homework using a digital tablet while sitting at the kitchen table with a glass of orange juice.

Small Stories of Big Life Lessons

Through their words and actions, parents can guide their children to maturity, teaching valuable life lessons along the way. One day, a child who was 2 years old ran into a table and got a big bump on his head. He cried loudly for a long time. His father came out of his room and walked over to the table, ...

Kathy McWilliams

A father carrying his son on his shoulders at the beach.

Conflicts in Kindergarten Can Reduce Children’s Interest in Reading and Math

Teacher-perceived conflicts in kindergarten predict a lower interest and pre-academic skills in math and literacy among kindergarteners, a new study from Finland shows. Kindergarten represents a crucial context in which children develop school-related skills and patterns of engagement that form the basis for the development of later competencies important for academic success. Kindergarten achievement has ...

Troy Oakes

A teacher with her kindergarten students.

Home-Educated Children Left Without Qualifications

The cancellation of exams this year in favor of teacher-predicted grades has had a “significantly detrimental” impact on many home-educated children, who are not able to gain qualifications this summer, a study warns. Home-educated children sit exams as independent candidates and have been left without a suitable substitute, as exam boards rely on schools to ...

Troy Oakes

Area for home education.

Finding Your Path Through Unschooling

Have you ever heard of unschooling? We’re all led to believe that to succeed in life we must go to school, study hard all the way to college, and get a degree. It’s understandable. Truth be told, the world is geared toward a kind of grading system that we’re all made to compete in. And ...

Raven Montmorency

A child looking at a giant globe.

What Is the Montessori Method of Education?

The Montessori Method of Education was developed by Maria Montessori, an Italian educator and physician who lived between 1870 and 1952. It is a system of learning for children that focuses on educating them in a wholesome manner. The Montessori Method In 1906, Montessori was invited to create a childcare center in San Lorenzo, one ...

Raven Montmorency

A Montessori classroom.

Closing the Opportunity Gap Through Better Education Programs

Opportunity gap refers to the unequal access to resources between various groups due to factors like race, ethnicity, social class, etc. When it comes to kids, the unfortunate reality is that some get to study in the best schools and have access to the best educational resources that set their life on the trajectory of ...

Raven Montmorency

Children in a classroom.