consumerism, mental health, mindfulness, recovery, relationships, resilience, self-care, societal norms, therapy, treat culture, wellness

Understanding Treat Culture: Insights from a Therapist’s Perspective

The term “treat culture” has become increasingly prevalent, reflecting a societal phenomenon where indulgence in treats, comforts, and instant gratification is widespread. Treat culture permeates various aspects of modern life, from binge-watching television shows to indulging in sugary snacks.  As therapists, understanding the implications of treat culture is crucial, as it influences individuals’ mental and ...

Viena Abdon

A woman eating ice cream.

Snap Out of It: The Insatiable Desire to Keep on Buying

Who doesn’t love shopping? Although it might not seem like it, the craze for shopping leads to the desire to have more and more often turns into an addiction that can cripple you throughout your life. The consumer mindset pushes you to keep accumulating more and more till you drop and it has turned the ...

Raven Montmorency

A woman carrying her shopping bags.

Retail Therapy: Short-Term Relief to a Deeper Problem

Retail therapy can turn into a black hole. With all the time spent at home, you must have at some point looked around the house and thought to yourself: “Where did all this stuff come from?” If you actually take a moment to answer that question, you’re bound to come up with some fascinating answers. ...

Raven Montmorency

A woman with shopping bags.

China Rising: Top 5 Health Food Trends

With the Chinese economy growing rapidly over the past decade, people’s tastes have evolved. Many now consider the health factor of a health food item to be more important than its taste. The focus on health is now so strong in China that several new business opportunities have sprung up in this segment. The top ...

Armin Auctor

A woamn eating a piece of watermelon.