Every day, about 48.5 tons of space rock hurtle toward Earth. Meteorites that fall into the ocean are …
New Research Shows Most Meteorites Crashing Into Earth Come From a Single Source
by Troy Oakesby Troy OakesThe sight of a meteorite streaking across the sky brings wonder and excitement to children and adults alike. …
Not Just Space Rocks: 6 Things We’ve Learned About Earth From Meteorites and Comets
by Troy Oakesby Troy OakesApart from the Sun, its planets, and their moons, our Solar System has vast amounts of space rocks …
Australian ‘Bush Glass’ Bears the Fingerprints of a Cosmic Collision With an Iron Meteorite
by Troy Oakesby Troy OakesHow Earth and the other planets of the solar system formed and evolved over the eons is a …
ChinaEditor's Pick
The Mysterious White Feathers: A Warning of the End of the Chinese Communist Party (Part 2)
by Hermann Rohrby Hermann RohrThis is a two-part series; please go here for Part 1 Feathers falling from the sky are a …
Machine Learning ‘Phones Home’ for Famous ‘Black Beauty’ Martian Meteorite
by Troy Oakesby Troy OakesUsing a multidisciplinary approach involving a machine learning algorithm, the new research – published in Nature Communications – identified the …
Rocky, the German shepherd, was comfortably sleeping inside his doghouse on April 23, 2019, when a fragment from …
SpaceEditor's Pick
What Is the Mars Connection to Earth and Is There Life on Mars?
by Just Strangeby Just StrangeMore than half a century after astronaut Neil Armstrong took man’s historic first steps on the moon; another …
The Melbourne man could never have guessed the rock he just found was actually a rare meteorite. Sometimes, …
For the first time, a unique study conducted at Lund University in Sweden has tracked Earth’s meteorite impacts …