It is believed that NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), scheduled to launch in November, will be sensitive …
outer space
The Mechanism That Generates Huge White Dwarf Magnetic Fields Discovered
by Troy Oakesby Troy OakesA dynamo mechanism could explain the incredibly strong magnetic fields in white dwarf stars according to an international …
Harvard & Smithsonian astronomers have detected the first Jupiter-like planet without clouds or haze in its observable atmosphere. …
The universe is getting hotter, a new study has found. The study, published in the Astrophysical Journal, probed the thermal …
Tree Rings May Hold Clues to Impacts of Distant Supernovas on Earth
by Troy Oakesby Troy OakesMassive explosions of energy happening thousands of light-years from Earth, known as supernovas, may have left traces in …
On Oct. 29, mission operators sent a series of commands to NASA’s Voyager 2 spacecraft for the first time since …
Our Galaxy may be teeming with rogue planets, gravitationally unbound to any star. An international team of scientists, …
Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, Critical for GPS, Seen in Distant Stars
by Troy Oakesby Troy OakesWhat do Albert Einstein, the Global Positioning System (GPS), and a pair of stars 200,000 trillion miles from …
To understand the significance of the Spitzer Space Telescope in the understanding of our Solar System, think of …
Astronomers Reveal First Direct Image of Beta Pictoris c Using the GRAVITY Instrument
by Troy Oakesby Troy OakesThe vast majority of planets near foreign stars are discovered by astronomers with the help of sophisticated methods. …