insulators, new discoveries, new quantum particle, particle physics, quantum mechanics

Discovery of Quantum Behavior in Insulators Suggests Possible New Quantum Particle

In a surprising discovery, Princeton physicists have observed an unexpected quantum behavior in insulators made from a material called tungsten ditelluride. This phenomenon, known as quantum oscillation, is typically observed in metals rather than insulators, and its discovery offers new insights into our understanding of the quantum world. The findings also hint at the existence ...

Troy Oakes

New quantum phases found in insulators.

The Complicated Science of Parallel Universes

When physicists talk about the universe, they don’t really mean the entire universe. They’re referring to the observable universe. And that’s not much. It’s just the part we’ve so far been able to see. When physicists talk about the multiverse or parallel universes, they are referring to distinct hypothesized models for the universe. These are ...

Armin Auctor

Parallel universes.

Many Worlds: The Strange Realities of Quantum Mechanics

Among the different streams of science, quantum mechanics is arguably the most mysterious. It opens up possibilities of time travel and even multiple worlds, concepts that we, with our current understanding of time and space, haven’t yet grasped fully. The ‘Many Worlds’ In 1935, an Austrian physicist named Erwin Schrodinger wrote a paper that has ...

Armin Auctor

The Many Worlds theory.

Are We Living in a ‘Many Worlds Universe’?

Sean Carroll is a physicist at the California Institute of Technology who believes that the key to understanding the universe could lie in a theory known as the “Many Worlds universe” hypothesis. Many Worlds The idea of “Many Worlds” was first proposed by physicist Hugh Everett about five decades ago. It basically presents the universe ...

Armin Auctor

The Many Worlds universe.

Wanna Ride Wormholes? It’s Possible, According to Harvard Scientists

Ever since the idea of a wormhole was first introduced, scientists and the public alike have always wondered whether traveling through them would be possible. Since wormholes connect two points in space, they were theorized to be a speedy way to traverse galaxies. But Daniel Jafferis, a physicist from Harvard University says that even though ...

Troy Oakes

World’s Fastest Man-Made Spinning Object May Help Study Quantum Mechanics

Researchers have created the fastest man-made rotor in the world, which they believe will help them in the study of quantum mechanics. At more than 60 billion revolutions per minute, this machine is more than 100,000 times faster than a high-speed dental drill. The findings were published in the journal Physical Review Letters. Tongcang Li, an ...

Troy Oakes

Tongcang Li, Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy and Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University.