In the heart of Taiwan, a remarkable story unfolds — a tale of unwavering dedication, environmental stewardship, and …
When you ask yourself what trees are, what your relationship with them is, and how we impact each …
Sustainable Living
The Biggest Trees Capture the Most Carbon: Large Trees Dominate Carbon Storage in Forests
by Troy Oakesby Troy OakesOlder, large-diameter trees have been shown to store disproportionally massive amounts of carbon compared to smaller trees, highlighting …
India has pledged to bring almost a third of its land area under green cover by 2030. As …
In the Walthamstow district of London, residents recently started noticing that someone was writing down the name of …
Catastrophic Events Carried Trees Thousands of Miles to a Burial at Sea
by Troy Oakesby Troy OakesThe flooding from torrential rains caused by cyclones and monsoonal storms, as well as other catastrophic events, is …
People living in urban areas have a lower risk of developing psychological distress and better overall health if …
Researchers Document the Oldest Known Trees in Eastern North America
by Troy Oakesby Troy OakesA recently documented stand of bald cypress trees in North Carolina, including one tree at least 2,624 years …
The idea of the heat island — that densely built-up urban areas are considerably hotter than the rural …
NASA is requesting people to take pictures of trees through its recently launched smartphone app — the Globe …