It’s important to always remember that whatever you do must be governed by your ability to make yourself happy, whether it’s work, leisure, or your responsibilities. And happiness cannot be defined in terms of comparison — comparing what you have and your situation with others. Happiness should be satisfying your innate desires and aspirations that give you absolute peace of mind. It can be simply conditioning yourself to be happy, no matter the circumstance.
Happiness is also not confined to your state of mind. In fact, your body and your health are just as important driving factors to be happy. You need to take care of yourself, mentally and physically, to be happy. Sometimes, it even needs lifestyle changes to reduce the stresses in your life.
Here are 5 simple tips that can help you be happy.
Cut down on your salt intake
While salt is an essential component of your diet, eating too much salt can raise your blood pressure. High blood pressure is also one of the leading causes of many cardiovascular problems, such as strokes. Too much salt can even lead to osteoporosis in women. This doesn’t necessarily mean you need to stop adding salt to your food. You need to be aware that many of the packaged foods you consume — such as soups, bread, and sauces — already include a high content of salt and you don’t even realize your regular salt intake.
While salt is an essential component of your diet, eating too much salt can raise your blood pressure. (Image: via wikimedia CC BY-SA 2.5)
There’s a simple rule. Try to limit your salt intake to up to 1 teaspoon a day. Make sure to read the food labels of any packaged food you consume and calculate your salt intake for the day accordingly. Follow this simple tip and a healthy you will be a happy you.
Eat the right fats
Fat is just as important to your body as carbohydrates and proteins. (Image: goodfreephotos / CC0 1.0)
It’s a common misconception that all fats must be dreaded because they make you fat! In fact, fat is just as important to your body as carbohydrates and proteins. It’s also a vital nutrient for producing energy. However, it’s important to note that eating the right fats makes you healthy. Good fats are present in nuts, avocados, olive oil, canola oil, and poultry. These particular fats help reduce cholesterol levels. Fats present in fatty fish, such as salmon and mackerel, help reduce heart disorders.
Walk to make yourself happy
Many find exercising or going to the gym quite daunting. Many can’t seem to find the time for exercising. A simple way to get active is to start walking. Walk more and walk regularly. You don’t have to take any time out specifically for this activity nor do you need to go to the gym. Use your surrounding and your daily routine to get walking.
A simple way to get active is to start walking. (Image: pixabay / CC0 1.0)
Walking has a wide range of benefits, such as the reduced risk of chronic diseases, and helps combat anxiety and mood problems. Studies suggest that walking in green settings or parks leaves you less anxious and more relaxed. Furthermore, walking in green areas also helps you to concentrate on positive thoughts. The abundance of oxygen in these areas boosts your mood and it’s great for your spirit.
Meditate to relax
Meditation is a great way to calm your body and mind. It helps you work on yourself to achieve happiness and simple peace of mind.
Being completely healthy also requires a healthy mind, and meditation is the perfect tool to keep your mind strong and peaceful. The best part of meditation is that it doesn’t need any gadgets or rigorous training. It’s a personal process tailored to your needs. An easy tip is to find a quiet place. It can be in your house, your room, or outside. Just make sure you are not disturbed there. All you need to do is relax, assess your anxiety, and try to focus only on positive thoughts.
Make your life colorful
This tip is a fun way to improve your healthy intake. Go out of your way to pick fruits and vegetables of bright colors. They are great because they are rich in antioxidants that combat harmful free radicals in your body.
The different colors also mean that each fruit or vegetable is made up of different nutritional components and can help you consume a rainbow of healthy nutrients. For yellow, you can eat mangos and yellow bell peppers; for red, you can eat tomatoes and strawberries; for green, you can eat avocado and spinach; for orange, you can eat pumpkin, carrots, and oranges. There are many more colors and many more fruits and vegetables to choose from.
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