Thirty thousand cancer experts recently attended the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) in Chicago. A paper from the U.S. Cancer Society was presented showing how the meditation practice of Falun Gong has prolonged the lives of cancer patients diagnosed with terminal cancer. The article garnered a lot of attention from those in attendance.
Falun Gong meditation practice prolonged cancer patients’ lives
ASCO’s official website presents the results of a study on 152 terminal cancer patients who had been given less than one year to live. The average expected survival time given was 5.1 months. The survival time was extended to 56 months after practicing Falun Gong, with 149 patients still alive upon completion of the study. In addition to the extended survival time, 97 percent of the patients found that their symptoms were alleviated after practicing Falun Gong for only 1.3 months.

Dr. Dong Yuhong, a co-author of the study, is a senior researcher at Novartis, a global healthcare company. He told foreign media journalists that the patients showed not only physical changes, but he also saw changes in their character, temperament, and spirit. They showed an increased ability to solve problems and to see things from a more optimistic point of view.
In fact, as early as 1998, surveys conducted in China showed that the health of Falun Gong practitioners improved by varying degrees; the total effective rate was found to be 99.1 percent. The results showed that practicing Falun Gong had a significant positive impact on health and mental well-being.
Translated research by Mona Song and Kathy McWilliams
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