If you respect others, you’d also want them to treat you back with the same level of respect. It feels good to be treated with regard and appreciation, so we aspire to be respected, whether in our personal or professional lives. However, how exactly do you gain the respect of the people around you?
To start, it’s essential to keep others in mind rather than solely focusing on yourself. It’s critical to be aware of your actions while at the same time practicing consistency and kindness.
12 tips on how to gain the respect of others
1. Be humble
Humble people are often respected because they recognize their imperfections, are open to feedback, appreciate the strength of others, and are always willing to learn. In addition, being down-to-earth and modest can help you become more likable, thus helping you build better relationships with the people around you.
2. Honor your promises
One step towards earning respect is learning to take your commitments seriously. When you make promises to other people, they count on you for your help. When you often break those promises, you are seen as an unreliable and untrustworthy person. Always honor your commitments and don’t make ones you can’t keep.
3. Have a moral code and stick to it
Your values and principles make up your moral code. They represent your ideals and what’s important to you, which is why living by these rules can show what kind of person you are and will attract the regard and admiration of like-minded individuals.
4. Say what you mean
It’s easy to get swayed into saying what you think other people want to hear instead of what you truly mean, but it only makes you seem fake and insincere. It’s time to start saying what you mean and meaning what you say. People appreciate authenticity.

5. Practice being open-minded
Since we all have different perspectives, being open-minded is crucial in gaining respect. Although you have your own beliefs, it’s essential to acknowledge that there is still a lot you can learn from others in many aspects.
6. Treat yourself with respect
For others to respect you, you must also be able to treat yourself with respect. Learn from your mistakes and keep going forward, even on the bad days. Believe in what you can do and be confident in your skills. Know that you are worthy and conduct yourself with dignity. Be your own role model.
7. Speak up for yourself
Apart from believing in yourself, it’s also necessary to speak up for yourself, especially when you are being mistreated. Be firm yet diplomatic when speaking up for yourself; let people know that you do not allow anyone to take advantage of you. It takes guts to stand up for yourself, which is why it is an action deserving of respect.

8. Don’t talk bad about others
Gossiping and speaking ill of others is a reflection of your character. If you want to be respected, don’t engage in these actions. Talking behind other people’s backs is a surefire way of losing people’s regard as well as your credibility.
9. Strive to do better
Being proactive and always working hard to do better is a respectable trait, whether in the work environment or in personal life. Self-improvement is a never-ending journey, and working to be the best version of yourself shows determination and resilience deserving of regard .
10. Have your emotions in control
Emotions aren’t bad, but make sure that you stay level-headed even when you get too emotional. A well-respected person knows how to handle high levels of emotions and can respond rationally rather than reacting impulsively.
11. Know when to speak up and when to listen
Confidently speak your mind when you need to but also know that there are times when it is more crucial to listen and absorb. Observe and determine when is the right time to voice your opinions and when it’s best to be silent and understanding. Knowing when to talk and listen is a powerful trait that commands respect.
12. Respect others
Treating other people with respect is an essential step in effectively gaining the regard of your peers in return. It shows that you value others and hold an appreciation for them, which makes them more likely to reciprocate the same regard back.
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