There are many ways to look young and healthy. Natural flavorings not only enhance your meals, but they are also the basis of many traditional Chinese medicines that are anti-aging remedies.
5 foods for maintaining a young and healthy look
1. Ginger
Ginger increases circulation, thins the blood, and is an anti-inflammatory. It supports the heart, joints, and brain function. Ginger is also effective against digestive problems, such as acid indigestion. This stimulating flavoring also kills harmful bacteria to keep you feeling young and healthy. Shown to help prevent age- and stress-related diseases, the positive effects on circulation are a boost for younger-looking skin.
2. Turmeric
Turmeric has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine as a remedy for joint problems, digestive ailments, and menstrual irregularities. It has the ability to remove harmful toxins from the body. Turmeric has been used in skin preparations as an anti-inflammatory and as a natural sunscreen to help block the harmful effects of ultraviolet (UV) light. It also has antiseptic and antibacterial properties that support healing and promote immunity.
3. Paprika
Paprika is made from dried peppers and offers the same circulation-enhancing properties as chili peppers. Increased blood circulation helps your skin to stay flush and healthy looking. Paprika contains more protective Vitamin C than lemon juice by weight, which is retained during drying and cooking. Paprika also increases saliva production, which promotes good digestion and the absorption of nutrients.
4. Wasabi
Wasabi is the Asian version of horseradish. It is also related to broccoli and cabbage, and has the same ability as these vegetables to help eliminate toxins from the liver. Wasabi works as an anti-inflammatory that enhances joint function and respiratory health. The isothiocyanates in wasabi also support heart health, helping reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
5. Mustard seed
Mustard seed is a very good source of the mineral selenium, a potent antioxidant that keeps skin looking young. It also contains a substance called mucilage that soothes the digestive tract by helping to protect the mucous lining. This lining allows nutrients into the circulatory system, but filters out toxins, bacteria, and viruses. The anti-inflammatory properties support smooth, blemish-free skin, and flexible joints.
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