How do you leave a good impression on your in-laws? Is it the things you say, or do, or both? Marriage is an intimate union between two individuals. Still, it includes a passive relationship with their friends, relatives, and especially their parents. A marriage not only unites these two individuals, but it also brings together two families.
Some of life’s strongest relationships may arise from marriage, like your relationship with in-laws. But you may have trouble getting along with your spouse’s family members. Although ignoring your in-laws may seem the easiest way out, avoidance is not the wisest course.
How can you leave a good impression on your in-laws? And how can you maintain a pleasant and happy relationship with them? Here are 10 tips for you and your spouse:
Leave a good impression on your in-laws
1. Always dress to impress
No one’s asking you to dress for the Met Gala, but save the sweatpants for a movie marathon with your spouse. Just make sure to wear something you are entirely at ease with, but that is not too casual or revealing. Additionally, you want to ensure you can have fun without always fussing with your attire.

2. Hobbies
If watching any sport isn’t your thing, there’s no need to pretend to be a sports enthusiast just because your in-laws are. Instead, try your hardest to find a hobby you and your in-laws have in common. Your mother-in-law may be into gardening, or your spouse’s siblings may love watching horror movies. Anything you can participate in is a great way to bond with your in-laws.
3. Spark an interesting conversation
Leaving a good impression on your in-laws also calls for talking to them. Sometimes, it’s a bit awkward to talk to your in-laws. But most of the time, your in-laws might be waiting for you to make the first move. You can ask them about your spouse as a child, their own childhood, family traditions, or even their story.
4. Take care of your spouse
It is always good to remember that your spouse has parents too. And as parents, your in-laws will not tolerate any wrongdoings geared toward their child, especially coming from you. That’s why you should always take care of your spouse, even when your in-laws aren’t there.
5. Be mindful of your actions
Good manners and politeness go a long way with your relationship with in-laws. Remember the manners that your parents instilled in you long ago, and make an effort to put them into practice. Remember to say “please” and “thank you” to waiters, cashiers, and even your in-laws. Treating everyone with kindness demonstrates that you are legitimately sincere and kind.
6. Treat them like family
You’ll be spending more time with your in-laws, so treat them like members of your own family. Recognize that your spouse grew up with them and values relationships with them above everything else.
Many people make the mistake of seeing their in-laws as enemies who are always vying for their partner’s love and attention. Negatively thinking about your in-laws can dramatically affect your relationship with them and your marriage.

7. Ask for advice
Another way of leaving a good impression on your in-laws is to ask them for guidance. Parents may not have all the answers, but they have unique viewpoints. Although you are under no obligation to heed your in-laws’ advice, demonstrating an interest will leave a good impression on your in-laws.
8. Invite your in-laws to go out
Another great way of leaving a good impression on your in-laws is to invite them to go out. Ask them to have lunch at their favorite restaurant or go to a mall to buy some clothes. You can be more authentic and open up about important topics when you spend time alone with your in-laws.
Sometimes, you can ask your in-laws if you can come over, or they can go to your house. You can try cooking your best dish and discussing anything over tea.
9. Always be open-minded
When adjusting to your in-laws, it’s crucial to maintain an open mind. Put on a good face for things that matter to your spouse and their family. Knowing that you’re open to new ideas, your in-laws will greatly appreciate it.
10. Be confident when expressing your opinions
Of course, you want to leave a good impression on your in-laws, but that doesn’t mean you should abandon your morals. Your in-laws may respect your dedication to the things that are important to you. As long as you don’t demand that you have the right opinion, it’s perfectly acceptable to hold differing ideologies.
Nourishing your relationship with your in-laws
Leaving a good impression on your in-laws may be nerve-racking, but it’s a great way to start a good relationship with them. Remember that you need to build strong bonds with your in-laws to create a strong family in the future. A peaceful family is mostly composed of respect and affection. If you don’t respect your in-laws today, you can’t expect your children’s spouse to respect you in the future.
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