As you scroll through social media, you probably see people gushing over celebrities, public figures, or influencers they admire. While it’s human nature to look up to role models, idolizing them can be dangerous. Idol worship can morph into obsession, making you lose perspective and negatively impacting your life.
Why do we idolize people?
People idolize other people for several reasons, and these include:
The need for role models
Human beings are naturally inclined to look up to others who inspire them. We often seek role models who can guide, inspire, and show us how to achieve our goals. These role models can be everyday people or famous figures who have succeeded in areas you admire.
Celebrity culture and media influencers
In today’s society, celebrities and public figures are constantly in the spotlight due to media coverage. Their lifestyles, talents, and achievements are showcased, making them highly visible and influential. This constant exposure can lead you to idolize celebrities, often considering them as symbols of success.
Emotional attachment
Sometimes, people idolize individuals they have a strong emotional connection with. This could be a family member, a close friend, or someone who has helped and supported them significantly. Emotional attachment can create a deep admiration and respect for that person, leading to idolization.

How does idol worship begin?
Idol worship begins when people replace God with something else in their lives. It starts subtly as admiration for a person, pursuit, or object grows into an obsession. Before people know it, esteem has become reverence and devotion.
The negative impact of idol worship
When you idolize celebrities, public figures, or even friends and family members, it can negatively impact you in several ways:
Unrealistic expectations
When you idolize someone too much, it can lead to unrealistic expectations of who they are. You may perceive them as perfect rather than as complex human beings. Your idol likely struggles with personal flaws and weaknesses like anyone else. Idolizing often involves focusing on a curated public image, not the whole person.
This romantic view can lead to betrayal if your idol says or does something that doesn’t match your expectations. You can never know someone based only on their public persona or creative works.
Loss of individuality
You risk losing your sense of self when idolizing public figures, celebrities, or role models too fervently. Your interests, values, and personality become entangled with theirs. You may adopt their style of dress, speech, or habits to emulate them.

Things to do to stop idol worship
To stop idolizing people and bring balance back to your admiration, try these steps:
Self-awareness and introspection
Idolizing people often means putting them on a pedestal and seeing them as perfect, all-knowing beings. In reality, everyone has their flaws, weaknesses, and limitations — including you.
Staying self-aware requires honest introspection and reflection. Recognize your shortcomings, mistakes, and less admirable qualities. Also, acknowledge your strengths, talents, and accomplishments. See yourself — and others — as complex, multi-dimensional human beings.
Remember, any single attribute defines no one. With self-awareness comes the understanding that every person is imperfect in their way.
Balancing admiration
It’s easy to become enamored with celebrities, influencers, and leaders you admire, but you must maintain perspective. Recognize that even the most respected public figures have human weaknesses and faults.
Do not let admiration close your eyes to a person’s shortcomings or lead you to excuse inexcusable behavior. Continually re-evaluate whether someone deserves your admiration based on their virtues and actions, not just their reputation or status.
Focusing on personal growth
To avoid the perils of idol worship in your own life, focus on personal growth. Continuously work to expand your mind and skills. Do not remain stagnant or complacent, relying only on your current knowledge and abilities.
Evaluate ideas and opinions based on facts and your critical thinking. Trust your instincts and not rely entirely on one person’s way of doing or believing. Develop confidence in your abilities to reason and pass fair judgment. This self-reliance provides immunity from the perils of idol worship.
Develop a healthier choice
No one is perfect; even the most admirable people have flaws and shortcomings. Recognize that worthy role models are human, too, and avoid the perils of worshiping idols by keeping your admiration in check. True wisdom comes from within, not from idolizing others.
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