Recent research conducted by three different scientific teams has uncovered a startling revelation: human emotions and consciousness shape our perception of the world and have a tangible impact on the physical reality around us.
The first experiment
In the first experiment, DNA isolated from the human body was placed in an airtight container in the room next to the subject. The scientists gave the volunteers strong emotional stimuli of various kinds, and the DNA kept in a closed container in the other room was surprisingly affected.
In the presence of negative emotions, the DNA’s coils began to tighten, and when the subjects were stimulated with positive emotions, the DNA’s coils began to loosen. This experiment proved that human emotions affect matter.
The second experiment
In a second, unrelated experiment, scientists extracted white blood cells from donors and placed them in a container equipped with electrodes to measure any changes. The participants watched emotionally charged video clips in one room while their white blood cells were stored in a different room within the same building.

The scientists monitored both the participants and their DNA simultaneously. The results were remarkable: Despite being in separate rooms, the peaks and valleys in the participants’ emotional responses perfectly matched the DNA’s reactions.
Moreover, the scientists again tested whether the distance between the two would affect the results. The results were the same even when the DNA and the subject were tested 50 miles apart: the response transcended time and space.
The third experiment
The third experiment was perhaps the most surprising of all. Scientists observed the behavior of photons, the basic units of light, in a vacuum. Usually, photons are randomly arranged. However, when human DNA was introduced into the vacuum, the photons aligned themselves precisely to match the shape of the DNA.
Scientists were stunned by this behavior, which led them to consider the possibility of a new domain of energy that interacts with the physical world. Human DNA was shown to have a direct impact on photon behavior.
Clinical and social implications
When we consider these three experiments together, a compelling conclusion emerges: Our emotions influence our DNA, and our DNA can, in turn, alter the world around us, even across time and space.

This raises intriguing questions about how positive emotions might contribute to longer lifespans in people with terminal illnesses, potentially by transforming their cellular structures and expelling harmful elements from their bodies. Conversely, negative emotions might have the opposite effect, as evidenced by cases of misdiagnoses where patients were overwhelmed by fear and experienced a decline in health as a result.
A person with positive energy first changes his own material composition, and then affects the world around him so that the entire environment is in harmony with the energy. This may be why people are instinctively drawn to those who exude positivity and who have the ability to love and spread kindness. It’s a wonderful world!
Translated by Audrey Wang
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