Can the mind influence the body? Scholars and researchers have long explored the intricate relationship between mental state …
mind-body connection
MysteriesEditor's Pick
How Human Emotions Can Physically Shape the World: Surprising Scientific Discoveries
by Mikel Davisby Mikel DavisRecent research conducted by three different scientific teams has uncovered a startling revelation: human emotions and consciousness shape …
Mind & SpiritEditor's Pick
The Power of Thought: How Your Mind Influences Your Health and Environment
by Max Luby Max LuIn a world where the phrase “mind over matter” is often tossed around, recent scientific research sheds light …
The Hidden Costs of Anger: Insights from Tibetan Healing Techniques
by Max Luby Max LuWe’ve all experienced moments of anger, but have you ever stopped to consider what it truly costs you? …
Everyone encounters suffering or pain at various points in their lives. This may be physical, emotional, or psychological, …
Mind & SpiritEditor's Pick
Harnessing the Power of Thoughts: The Impact of Placebo and Nocebo Effects
by Max Luby Max LuIn the medical field, we often hear about the placebo effect, but we rarely consider the potential power …