A cerebral infarction, or stroke, is a brain lesion in which a cluster of brain cells dies when they don’t get enough blood. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) suggests that the risk of cerebral infarction, or stroke, may be reduced by avoiding certain types of food.
Avoid these three food types to help prevent a stroke
1. Heavy beef or pork-based soups
The cold winter is typically when people consume nutritious food to enhance body strength. Many people prefer a heavy beef or pork-based soup, which can keep the body warm and supply nutrients. These types of soups are high in LDL cholesterol, especially those made from cuts of meat with high-fat content. Therefore, for the sake of preventing heart disease or a stroke, heavy beef or pork-based soups should be avoided. The recommended alternatives are light soups containing a small amount of chicken or fish and with plenty of fresh vegetables.
2. Animal organs
Animal organs, such as the liver or kidneys, have extremely high LDL cholesterol, which is two to three times that of lean muscle meat. For adults who need to reduce their risk of heart disease or a stroke, the American Heart Association recommends a diet low in LDL cholesterol. It is also widely believed that people who have gout should avoid eating organ meats, as they contain purine, a molecule associated with gout flare-ups. Furthermore, there can be a concern that animals that have been exposed to toxins and pesticides will have toxicity in their organs.
3. Deep-fried foods
Deep-fried foods are often cooked in hydrogenated oils, which are very high in trans fats. These oils are often used because they give food a satisfying taste and crunch. But they’re not good for you. Trans fats raise LDL cholesterol levels, lower good (HDL) cholesterol levels, and raise your chances of having heart disease or a stroke.
Instead, drink water and light tea
Instead, it is suggested that water should be frequently consumed. Sufficient consumption of water is a requirement for keeping good health. Warm water is the best choice, as it can not only replenish body fluids, but also lower blood viscosity, which can help to prevent strokes. The benefits of drinking tea are also well known. The antioxidants in tea, especially green tea, are helpful in eradicating free radicals.
Warning signs
Knowing the warning signs of a stroke can save a life. It is a medical emergency that occurs when the supply of blood to the brain is compromised by a clogged or burst artery. The National Stroke Association developed a great campaign to identify a stroke with the FAST acronym:
F — Face: If someone’s face is drooping on one side, it could be a stroke. Ask them to smile, and if half their face is drooping, call 911 immediately.
A — Arm: If someone suffers from a sudden weakness or paralysis on one side of the body, it could be a stroke. Ask the person to raise his/her arms, and if one drifts downward, call 911 immediately.
S — Speech: Sudden slurred speech or difficulty with words could be a sign of a stroke. Ask the person to talk, and if they have sudden difficulty, call 911 immediately.
T — Time: If you see any of these symptoms, call 911 immediately because time is essential when it comes to a stroke! This is because brain tissue is deprived of oxygen-rich blood when this occurs, and brain cells begin to die. When it continues without treatment, more brain damage occurs. That’s why fast, immediate care is essential.
However, those aren’t the only signs of a stroke. Symptoms can really vary from person to person. This is because not all brain tissue is the same. For example, the left hemisphere of the brain controls language, so a stroke in this area could result in slurred speech, but no other symptoms.
So even if someone appears “normal,” any sudden symptoms could be a sign of a stroke, and emergency medical attention is needed. There are many different signs of a stroke, which can make it difficult to identify. The biggest rule of thumb is that if anyone suffers from sudden onset symptoms — from facial drooping to a piercing headache — it could be a stroke. When in doubt, call 911!
The writer of this story is not a medical professional, and the information that is in this story has been collected from reliable sources — and every precaution has been taken to ensure its accuracy. The information provided is for general information purposes only, and should not be substituted for professional health care.
Translated by Jean Chen
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