The heartwarming story of a service dog named Justin and his owner, Grace Mariani, has touched hearts around the world. Justin, a Labrador-Golden Retriever mix, has been more than just a pet to his owner; he has served as a lifeline, helping Grace navigate the world despite her physical disability. This bond, cultivated over years of shared experiences, has recently been celebrated in a unique and inspiring way, with Justin receiving his very own college diploma.
A lifelong companion
Grace Mariani, a 22-year-old student, graduated from Seton Hall University in New Jersey with a Bachelor of Science in Education. Notably, Justin was not just a bystander at the graduation ceremony; he was an active participant, striding alongside Grace who crossed the stage in her motorized wheelchair, both sporting Seton Hall’s signature blue colors.
In a moving tribute to their shared journey, Justin, who had attended all of Mariani’s classes during her college years, was handed a diploma by Seton Hall President Joseph E. Nyre. The crowd erupted in cheers as Justin accepted the diploma with his mouth. It was a sweet moment that was caught on video and quickly went viral.
The bond between humans and dogs has been well-documented over thousands of years; they have provided us with their unconditional love and companionship. In Grace’s case, Justin has served as a crucial support system, enabling her to live an independent life and fulfill her dream of going away to college and becoming a teacher.
She noted that Justin, who has mastered over 45 tasks through rigorous training, has significantly contributed to her success. “With Justin by her side, she has the best chance for a successful, independent life,” said Jeanine Konopelski, vice president of advocacy and marketing of the group Canine Companion for Independence.
Justin’s training and skills
Justin’s journey to becoming a service dog began at a specialized facility where he underwent extensive training. This training involved mastering tasks such as opening doors, retrieving items, and providing physical support. Justin’s intelligence, patience, and gentle nature made him an ideal candidate for service work. His ability to perform over 45 tasks has been instrumental in assisting Grace with daily activities, allowing her to focus on her studies and personal growth.
Seton Hall University’s decision to award Justin a degree was not just a symbolic gesture. It also served to raise awareness about the importance of service dogs and the life-changing roles they play for their owners. Justin’s diploma was a testament to his exceptional devotion to assisting his owner throughout her academic journey.
Justin’s story has inspired many, from current Seton Hall students to the broader online community. His achievement has sparked conversations about the significance of service animals and their contributions, with many applauding this “wonderful moment.”
This is not the first instance of a service dog receiving an honorary degree. In 2018, Griffin received a Master’s diploma from Clarkson University alongside his owner, Brittany Hawley. This growing recognition of service dogs’ contributions underlines the critical role they play in their owners’ lives, supporting them in overcoming obstacles and achieving their goals.
The broader impact of service dogs
Service dogs like Justin are trained to perform various tasks that enhance the quality of life for individuals with disabilities. These tasks can range from physical assistance to emotional support, helping their owners navigate daily challenges with greater ease and confidence. The presence of a service dog can also foster social interactions and reduce feelings of isolation, contributing to the overall well-being of their owners.
With Justin now a proud — and literal — golden alumnus of Seton Hall, he and Grace are set to embark on the next chapter of their journey. Their story continues to be a shining example of the profound bond between humans and their canine companions and the extraordinary things they can achieve together.
As society continues to recognize the invaluable contributions of service dogs, stories like Justin’s serve as a reminder of the transformative power of these remarkable animals. They not only assist their owners in overcoming physical challenges, but also inspire communities to embrace inclusivity and compassion.
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