Eating and drinking are essential daily activities. If the stomach does not function well, it will affect the health of the internal organs. Stomach cancer occurs in the mucous membrane of the stomach. Early symptoms of stomach cancer, such as nausea, loss of appetite, heartburn, and epigastric pain, are similar to the symptoms of peptic ulcers, which easily delay medical treatment and result in a high mortality rate.
Gastrointestinal health is a matter of life and death, and the high incidence of stomach cancer in recent years reminds us to pay attention to it.
Stomach cancer occurs more frequently in 3 types of people
1. People who love hot food
The mucous membrane of the digestive tract is very delicate and needs to be carefully taken care of. It can only tolerate food at about 50~60℃. With higher temperatures, the mucous membrane will be burned. Once it is repeatedly burned and repaired, the texture of the mucous membrane will change.
Damage to the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, esophagus, and stomach may lead to leukoplakia of the oral mucous membrane, chronic oral mucous membrane inflammation, esophagitis, atrophic gastritis, and other diseases. Over time, the damage will increase and even lead to cancer.
2. Alcoholics
Alcohol irritates the gastric mucosa, damages the mucosal tissues, and promotes the absorption of carcinogenic substances. Those who frequently drink, live a life of irregular work and rest, or do not eat properly easily suffer from gastric ulcers, gastric bleeding, gastric polyps, and other gastric disorders, which might turn into stomach cancer.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has classified some substances or mixtures that are carcinogenic to humans as Group 1 carcinogens, including alcohol. Alcoholics may develop liver cancer as well as stomach cancer, and it is advised that those who are addicted to alcohol quit it as soon as possible.
3. Those who have an irregular dietary habit
Many people living in cities are so busy working that their meal time is irregular or sometimes skipped. This can damage the health of the stomach in the long run.
The stomach is an organ that strictly adheres to a fixed schedule. Frequent eating at irregular times will disrupt the secretion of gastric juice and undermine timely digestion and absorption of food, damaging the gastric mucosa.
Eating millet porridge can nourish the stomach
In the classic textbook of Chinese medicine, Compendium of Materia Medica, millet is recorded as ”Treating regurgitation of the stomach. Millet porridge can benefit the abdomen, compensate for the inadequate function, and nourish the stomach and intestines.” The effect mainly manifests in the spleen and stomach and can help prevent stomach cancer.
Millet is one of the best staples. It is rich in protein, vitamin B, dietary fiber, carotene, niacin, magnesium, and other nutrients. Regular millet porridge intake has a soothing effect on the body, especially the small intestine.
Daily intake of millet porridge, such as a bowl for breakfast, facilitates gastrointestinal health. This will wake up the intestines. If a green lily bulb, lotus seeds, jujube, red beans, sweet potato, etc., are added to the porridge, the mixture can also inhibit vasoconstriction and lower blood pressure, which is suitable for fragile hypertension patients. Mothers can restore health within one month after delivering a baby by using millet porridge to nourish the body.
Translated by Audrey Wang and edited by Amanda
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