Helen London

Character Is the Most Valuable Thing in a Person’s Life

Character is the victor’s laurel crown and the glory of life. Keep your character and then you will keep the greatest wealth. Honesty and integrity are part of good character Our recognition of a person often starts with honesty and trusting the person’s character. If a person is unable to win others’ trust, it is ...

Helen London

Plants growing in a pond.

Compassionate Woman Receives Miraculous Blessing

There is a story in China about how a woman received a miraculous blessing from a beggar for her great compassion. Locals are still benefitting from this miraculous blessing. In China, at the foot of a mountain in Yidao County, Hubei Province, there are three mountain springs that gush out continuously. People living on the ...

Helen London

Mountains in China.

Life Will Be Good Once These 3 Blessings Are Cherished

It does not matter whether a person lives a long life or a short one. The key value of life lies in what we have done and our blessings. Life is worthy not because we have done something great or small. Many things may seem pretty common in our daily lives, but they usually are ...

Helen London

A sunset through clouds.

These Three Treasures Support the Digestive System

If the digestive system is unhealthy, a person will be prone to indigestion, physical fatigue, and dull skin. If the digestive system is healthy, the body will have little illness and the individual will most likely have a good life. Three foods can nourish your digestive system. China’s ‘Three Treasures’ for the digestive system 1. ...

Helen London

Chinese yams.

Corn: The Rice Alternative With Many Health Benefits

From ancient times to the present day, many people, including emperors, generals, and ordinary people, have liked to eat corn. It has a high nutritional value and can help prevent coronary heart disease, obesity, and gallstones. The nutritional value According to historical records, Emperor Zhengde of the Ming Dynasty was hungry when he was away ...

Helen London

Corn on the cob.

Retribution for Killing and Breaking a Vow

Does retribution really exist? During the Southern Song Dynasty, there was an older man named Zhang who lived in Nanhantou Village, Pingyu County, Henan Province. He made a living by catching birds and had only one young son. One day, his son died unexpectedly. Zhang thought he had nobody to rely on and cried by ...

Helen London

Leaves changing color in autumn.

Traditional Chinese Medicine: How a Hairdryer Can Keep the Whole Body Fit

Traditional Chinese medicine warms the acupoints with moxibustion to facilitate meridian blood flow to keep one healthy. However, it is difficult for ordinary people to find precise acupoints when applying moxibustion, an operation that is troublesome and difficult to manage for oneself.  However, a hairdryer can be used to heat the acupuncture points, which not ...

Helen London

A hairdryer.

A Tea That Helps Prevent Hair Loss

Hair loss signifies an imbalance in the body and is characterized by five signs you need to be aware of. 5 things hair loss indicates 1. Poor mental health The quick pace in the modern world brings on stress for many people and mental stress and anxiety can easily result in uncontrollable hair loss. Alopecia areata ...

Helen London

Thick hair.

A Pear Story Reveals the Wisdom of Life

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, a pear paste sugar shop in the Zhabei District of Shanghai was very prosperous. A plaque with the characters “The Heavens know” hung at the door. Here is the story of how that came to be. Opposite the shop was a fruit store owned by a family surnamed ...

Helen London


Laughter Heals

Laughter heals. There is a saying: “Laugh once and your worries are gone. Laugh twice and your anger disappears. Laugh three times and your regrets are subdued. Laugh four times and live a healthy life. Laugh five times and feel forever young. Laugh six times and set yourself free. Laugh often and live a long ...

Helen London

A couple laughing.