Hermann Rohr

Floods in Germany Cause Financial Worries for Home Owners

The recent flash floods in Germany caused a massive disaster in many areas of the country. Many people stood by as their livelihoods washed away and hundreds more fell victim to the unwelcome floods. How I experienced the floods in Germany It was only when I made my way home and had to drive through ...

Hermann Rohr

A flooded German road.

How Good People Are Rewarded for Their Good Karma

What is karma? And how does life compensate us for either good or bad karma? As long as there has been a debate about whether it is worthwhile to follow ethical principles, there has also been a debate about whether good people are rewarded for their good karma. We may ask ourselves why it seems ...

Hermann Rohr

A stone bridge.

Digital Nomads Had No Idea COVID-19 Would Have This Impact

The COVID-19 impact on the lives of many business owners, including digital nomads and entrepreneurs, has been substantial. Those who could free themselves from the constraints of offices — according to a New York Times article — and could keep their jobs had the following logic at the beginning of the breakout: “If you’re going ...

Hermann Rohr

A Digital Nomad, dressed in suit, walking at beach with briefcase

Chinese Red Envelope Tradition Falling Under Growing Scrutiny

In China, the long-held tradition is to present your wedding gift in the form of a red envelope/red packet filled with money. Besides weddings, red envelopes are also commonly used during other special occasions. On Chinese New Year, the parents give red envelopes to children. In celebration of a newly born child, friends, family, and ...

Hermann Rohr

Different red envelores.

Sinusitis: An Effective Natural Way to Deal With It

If you have the following symptoms and they have been prevailing for a certain period of time, you might be suffering from what is termed “sinusitis.” Sinusitis symptoms Postnasal drip Discolored nasal discharge (greenish in color) Nasal stuffiness or congestion Tenderness of the face (especially under the eyes or at the bridge of the nose) ...

Hermann Rohr


The Human Body Has a Remarkable ‘Sleep Point’

Many people suffer from insomnia, which can go on for a long period of time. Insomnia is a sleep disorder that is characterized by having difficulty falling asleep, even though the body is exhausted, or, finally falling asleep but dreaming lucidly so the mind and body cannot rest. This is why your body has a ...

Hermann Rohr

An empty bed.

What Is ‘Dampness’ and How to Treat This Debilitating Condition

Health in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) hinges on striking a balance between all the elements in our bodies. A person will feel bulky and sleepy all the time when they are damp. The body feels sticky like glue and the person feels sluggish. In TCM, dampness is described as being like cotton that has been soaked in oil. ...

Hermann Rohr

A sick woman lying in bed covered with a blanket.

3 Amazing Examples of Superpowers

Superpowers have been the main theme of stories, mythologies, and epic sagas throughout the ages. But just as often throughout the ages, there have been accounts of human superpowers that go beyond any framework of reasonable explanation. People have always been interested in revealing the secrets behind human superpowers. You may think that our advances ...

Hermann Rohr

Students in a library.

Artfully Running a Successful Business Based on Timeless Principles

Running a successful business can be very challenging without customers. In order to make any profit, you need customers. It is unarguable that the most successful businesses are those capable of solving their market’s problems and satisfying their client’s needs.  The following stories illustrate how challenging being a business owner can be, while at the ...

Hermann Rohr

Business environment. teamwork. Handing over papers to another.

Loyalty: Dog Walks 2 Miles Every Day to Visit His Owner’s Grave

A recent incident in the province of Sassari, Italy, shows that dogs are not just man’s best friend during their lifetimes, but that their loyalty can extend even beyond that. What an Italian man’s dog did after his death is beyond explanation. Who would think that a dog could be so connected to his owner ...

Hermann Rohr

A sad-faced dog.