Japanese paper-cutting art, known as kirigami, is an ancient technique used to create art. It’s a very straightforward …
Mike West
Mike West
Mike West is a tech/blockchain enthusiast that keeps an eye wide open to the world. He doesn't cower behind a desk but rides into the sunset in search of a way to better understand the world. Through his written works, he hopes to provide a deep dive into the beauty and intricacies of humanity emerging with a fascinating story to tell.
Beer Brewed From Extracted 45-Million-Year-Old Yeast: Introducing the Amber Ale
by Mike Westby Mike WestYeast is a main ingredient in beer production, but the central question is how old it should be …
Self ImprovementFeatured
National Sleepy Head Day: The History of Laziness
by Mike Westby Mike WestLooking for an excuse to sleep in? Maybe it’s time you start looking into celebrating National Sleepy Head …
RelationshipsEditor's Pick
Creative Family Activities: Clever Ways to Have Fun With Everyone
by Mike Westby Mike WestAre you tired of family time being spent around the TV all day? Well, there are a lot …
The thrill of skydiving is described as one of the most terrifying yet life-changing experiences in their lives. …
Feel GoodFeatured
Andrew Carr Becomes a Local Hero Through Power Washing: Here’s His Story
by Mike Westby Mike WestBecoming a local hero is no easy task. However, you might not realize it isn’t as complicated as …
Owning a Piece of the Past: The Auction of U.S. Lighthouses
by Mike Westby Mike WestWould you ever buy a lighthouse? In the U.S., this is not a hypothetical question anymore. The government …
Conventional therapy might not work for everyone, so new methods have come out every so often. One example is …
Remember the story of the tortoise and the hare? Famous for the moral lessons behind most of his …
Missing graduation can be difficult for children, especially since they are celebrations of their early accomplishments in life. …