Not many people know that there are two types of listening: active and passive. While some think listening …
Mike West
Mike West
Mike West is a tech/blockchain enthusiast that keeps an eye wide open to the world. He doesn't cower behind a desk but rides into the sunset in search of a way to better understand the world. Through his written works, he hopes to provide a deep dive into the beauty and intricacies of humanity emerging with a fascinating story to tell.
What to Do When a Child Lies: 7 Ways to Deal With the Situation
by Mike Westby Mike WestDespite every parent not wanting this to happen, a child’s lying can occasionally occur when least expected. Sometimes …
7 Ways to Entertain a Child When They Are Sick: No Technology Needed
by Mike Westby Mike WestA sick child can sometimes be restless as they struggle to have fun and keep themselves entertained. This …
Baby Full-Month Celebration Explained: Why This Chinese Tradition Came to Life
by Mike Westby Mike WestParents typically celebrate a baby’s first month of existence for sentimental reasons, such as how the baby was …
Japanese Natto Explored: Why This Traditional Dish Is Good for Your Health
by Mike Westby Mike WestThe traditional Japanese dish natto is popular in Japan, but it is commonly unheard of in the Western …
A new hair trend called the Scandinavian or Scandi hairline for the summer is a unique play on …
Trying Spanish tapas for the first time can be overwhelming because of the amazing combination of foods. However, …
While recycling efforts have evolved over the years, turning trash into graphene provides both environmental and business advantages. …
The Irish Ballad ‘Danny Boy’ Explained: Why It’s Important
by Mike Westby Mike WestEver heard of the traditional Irish song Danny Boy and wondered what it means? Find out more about …
Rice is the primary staple food for more than half the world’s population — with Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, and …