Featured, Feel Good

To Protect Its Mother, a Calf Swallowed a Knife

Throughout the ages, many stories have portrayed the strong bond between a mother and her son. The following story alludes to the fact that all things have a spirit; livestock, in particular, can show “affection” and “kind-heartedness,” as demonstrated by the story of a calf and its mother. This story took place in Shuyang County of ...

Max Lu

A butcher's knife.

4 Painful but Beneficial Situations

Most people seek comfort in life, ignoring the fact that risks might be hidden there. However, things that make you suffer might be blessings in disguise, because they force you to think things over and grow, which often leads to a beneficial outcome. 4 situations that seem distressing in the beginning, but turn out to ...

Nspirement Staff

A woman with outstretched arms at sunset.

One Village in India Has Over 100 Varieties of Mangoes

Mangoes are tropical fruit popular in countries such as India. In fact, in different states of India, you will come across delicious varieties of fruit. Indians eat the fruit in many ways, including raw, ripened, and pulped. They also use it in various cuisines. While it is common to find many mango variants harvested in ...

Emma Lu

A mango tree laden with fruit.

Turn Negative Thoughts Into Something Positive

Many people struggle with negative thoughts. It can be challenging to determine why you think negatively, but catching these thoughts and turning them into positive actions is essential. Negativity to neutrality The first step is to identify the negative thoughts. Once you become aware of them, you can change them into neutral or positive statements. ...

Emma Lu

A young woman crying on a sofa.

How a Dying Coal Town Doctor Is Helping Reshape His Community (Part 1)

A dying coal town famous for a vicious family feud has been rebuilding itself through an inspiring mix of cooperation and ingenuity. The small town of Williamson, West Virginia, lies nestled amidst the rolling hills of the Appalachian Mountains in the heart of coal country. Separated from its counterpart, South Williamson, Kentucky, by the Tug ...

Tatiana Denning

Williamson, West Virginia.

A Husband Builds an Electric Wheelchair for His Wife to Adventure Off-Road

A man has developed a specially designed electric wheelchair for his wife. The uniqueness of this customized wheelchair for his wife is that it can be used off-road. Zack Nelson wanted to make his wife Cambry happy. She has paralysis, and her regular wheelchair can move only on smooth surfaces and pavements. He wanted to ...

Jack Roberts

The Not-a-Wheelchair in the woods.