Nathan Machoka

Nourish Your Mind: Foods That Boost Mood and Mental Health

Traditionally, scientists have focused on the impact of food on physical health. However, in recent years, the scientific community has started looking at the relationship between people’s guts and mental health in response to the global rise in stress, depression, and anxiety disorders. Can what you eat influence your physiology, brain structure, and behavior? Surprisingly, ...

Nathan Machoka

An assortment of healthy foods for the brain.

A Dive into Europe’s Oldest Megastructure Discovered Beneath the Baltic Sea

In the depths of the Baltic Sea lies a groundbreaking discovery, Europe’s oldest megastructure, hidden away for thousands of years. This enigmatic stone wall, uncovered by Jacob Geersen and his team, challenges our understanding of prehistoric human capabilities and opens a new chapter in the history of early European architecture. In 2021, Jacob Geersen, a ...

Nathan Machoka

The Blinkerwall.

How This Intergenerational Care Facility Is Revolutionizing Dementia Care

In recent years, the concept of an intergenerational care facility has become more of a buzz. Nursing homes have gained a bad reputation as places where people dump elderly relatives, especially those with dementia, to avoid caring for them anymore.  Senior retirement homes can also get a bit lonely and monotonous because the routine is ...

Nathan Machoka

Elderly woman touching the face of an elderly bearded man holding a cane.

Resilient Gibbon: The Story of a ‘Skywalker’ Thriving in Myanmar’s Jungles

The resilient “Skywalker” gibbon lives deep in the canopy of Myanmar’s rich jungles. This amazing primate, first spotted along the border between China and Myanmar in 2017, has fascinated scientists with its ability to thrive in extreme adversity. Once rare in Yunnan Province of China, new findings reveal a flourishing gibbon population within Myanmar. This ...

Nathan Machoka

A gibbon in the trees.

Rekindling Teamwork: Key Approaches to Boost Workplace Cooperation

Conflicts are an inevitable aspect of any team dynamic. The key to successful teamwork lies in mastering effective methods to reestablish cooperation. Organizations are typically made up of individuals from diverse backgrounds and with varied qualifications. For such teams to succeed, leaders must foster an environment of cooperation and collaboration. While cooperation might seem straightforward ...

Nathan Machoka

A group of business people during a team meeting in a modern office.

Build a Lasting Bond: 7 Couple Activities for a Stronger Relationship

Many couples eventually find themselves settled into a comfortable routine. While there’s nothing inherently wrong with this, it can sometimes lead to a sense of monotony. To keep the spark alive, it’s crucial to inject some spontaneity and fun into your relationship. This guide offers seven engaging activities that not only bring fun but also ...

Nathan Machoka

A young man carrying a young woman on his back.

Clearing the Digital Clutter: How a Social Media Cleanse Can Revitalize Your Life

Social media pervades nearly every aspect of your life, offering instant connection, information, and entertainment. However, the relentless influx of notifications, gossip, and catastrophic news can significantly affect your well-being, a realization that often comes too late. That’s why mental health professionals increasingly recommend a periodic social media cleanse, or digital detox, to counteract these ...

Nathan Machoka

Asian man holding a smartphone up and a warning finger.

8 Strategies for Slowing Down and Enjoying Life

Slowing down to enjoy life in the modern, fast-paced world is essential. However, the busyness of life never seems to stop. Most people are occupied from waking up until they set their heads on their pillows. Ironically, technology, meant to make our lives easier, contributes to this hectic existence. But how does being “productive” and ...

Nathan Machoka

A crowded city sidewalk.

Gym Etiquette: How to Earn the Respect of Other Gymgoers

If you’ve never been to the gym, your first day there can be intimidating. You come face to face with jacked guys lifting huge weights, people yelling and grunting, and a culture you have to navigate to become one of the “gym bros” or “fit chicks.” Like many public places, gyms have a code of ...

Nathan Machoka

Weight training equipment inside a modern gym.