animal behavior, cats, communication with animals, dead animals, dogs

Why do our dogs and cats bring us dead animals?

What do a little penguin, a baby rabbit, a black rat, and a Krefft’s glider have in common? They’ve all been presented to me (when dead) by my animal companions. Chances are, if you live with a cat or dog, you’ve also been brought something similar. So is it a gift, are they showing off, ...

Troy Oakes

Golden retriever walking around outside with a stuffed toy.

Animals Predicting Disaster: Birds Knew of the Flooded City

In 1517, during the Ming Dynasty, a flood submerged a huge city called Zhaoxin, and countless people died. However, many people fled ahead of the flood because they believed in the prediction of birds and survived. After the flood, people learned the story from those who made it through.  In the city of Zhaoxin, there ...

Helen London

Flock of birds flying over a river that has flooded over its banks.

Ever Wonder Why Dogs Tilt Their Heads?

You may have seen your own pet or other dogs tilt their heads from time to time. Dogs are said to be the best companion for humans among all the animals and dog owners vouch for that. It is amusing to watch them performing certain acts and some of their gestures are very cute. However, ...

Armin Auctor

Tan with black muzzle Labrador Mastiff mixed breed large dog, head tilt, outdoor adoption photo.

Veterinarians Make List of Top 5 Pet Gifts

Veterinarians at Washington State University’s Veterinary Teaching Hospital have compiled a list of the top five pet gifts to improve pet health this holiday season. Dr. Jessica Bell, a small animal veterinarian at WSU’s Veterinary Teaching Hospital, said: “This time of year, we always take the opportunity to give to our pets. Why not give them something that ...

Troy Oakes

A pug wrapped up in a blanket.

Wolves Have Been Caring for the Pack for at Least 1.3 Million Years

Wolves today live and hunt in packs, which helps them take down large prey. But when did this group behavior evolve? An international research team has reported specimens of an ancestral wolf, Canis chihliensis, from the Ice Age of north China (~1.3 million years ago), with debilitating injuries to its jaws and a leg. The ...

Troy Oakes

A pack of wolves.

Crows Thank Caretaker by Returning With Gifts

If you think animals do not have the emotional capacity to be thankful to those who help them, the story of Stuart Dahlquist and his crows should change your mind. He has been feeding a family in the backyard for about 4 years. In return, they gave him a gift for taking care of them! ...

Jessica Kneipp

A crow sitting on a rock.

Secrets Behind the Amazing Dance of the Starlings

A few years back, a video of peregrine falcons hunting European starlings gained the attention of the Internet. Entitled The Starling and Falcon Dance, viewers were amazed at the hypnotic manner in which the birds were moving in the sky. The video went on to win the 2017 Nature’s Best — Windland Smith Photography and Video ...

Raven Montmorency

A flock of starlings.