In Yokosuka City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan, an elderly care center adopted a Shiba Inu dog named Bunfuku. The center …
In the heart of the animal kingdom, maternal love manifests in extraordinary ways. Many poignant stories reveal the …
In Keelung, Taiwan, there was a store called “Yu Yuan Hao,” which translates to “destiny’s blessing.” The owner, …
Is It Okay to Kiss Your Pet? The Risk of Animal-Borne Diseases Is Small, but Real
by Troy Oakesby Troy OakesOur relationship with pets has changed drastically in recent decades. Pet ownership is at an all-time high, with …
All things in this world have a spiritual nature, including animals. Saved animals will always repay the benefactors …
In life, we unconsciously create many karmic debts, including the killing of animals. Since our actions create karma, …
Australia’s Extinct Giant Eagle Was Big Enough to Snatch Koalas From Trees
by Troy Oakesby Troy OakesThe year is 1959. Speleologists descend a 17-meter shaft to explore the depths of Mairs Cave in the …
Aussie Native Bees Steal the Show With Unique Social and Foraging Behaviors
by Troy Oakesby Troy OakesAustralian native bees have evolved complex social structures and foraging behaviors that help biologists answer longstanding questions, such …
Peace and Conflict
The World of Surveillance Has Tried Everything From Schoolchildren to Trained Cats
by Troy Oakesby Troy OakesThe Chinese “spy balloon” shot down over the United States has brought the seemingly strange methods of surveillance …
Stories of animals’ interactions with humans have been told since antiquity. For example, Ji Yun, chief editor of …