Phage therapy is the rising star on the horizon of antibiotic-resistant treatments. As the world grapples with the …
antibiotic resistance
Antibiotic Effects of Honey and Vinegar in Modern Medicine
by Viena Abdonby Viena AbdonThe world of modern medicine is undergoing a profound shift. With the proliferation of antibiotic-resistant superbugs, there’s an …
HealthEditor's Pick
Antibiotic Resistance Could Kill 300 Million People by 2050
by Troy Oakesby Troy OakesA report commissioned by the UK government estimates that by 2050, antibiotic resistance will kill 300 million people if no …
New Study Shows Microplastics Turn Into ‘Hubs’ for Pathogens, Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria
by Troy Oakesby Troy OakesIt’s estimated that an average-sized wastewater treatment plant serving roughly 400,000 residents will discharge up to 2,000,000 microplastic particles into the …
Scientists have confirmed for the first time that bacteria can change form to avoid being detected by antibiotics …
When antibiotics were first discovered, it seemed as if we had found an easy and extremely effective way …