alma deutscher, child prodigy, children, classical music, creativity, guy deutscher, mozart, music, neil gaiman, richard strauss, the sweeper of dreams

How Censorship Is Forcing Chinese Culture Into Savagery

For a culture to develop, it is necessary that its people are free to explore the questions of free thought, speech, and belief. Putting restrictions on what people can think or feel is a surefire way to repress creativity and innovation, and stagnate the culture of a society. China is a good example of how ...

Armin Auctor

The Great Wall.

Sensory Deprivation Tank Therapy

What are sensory deprivation tanks? Also known as isolation tanks or flotation tanks, they were developed in 1954 by an American physician and neuroscientist named John C. Lilly to provide Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy (REST). During the time inside the soundproof tank, an individual experiences minimal sensory stimulation from sights and sounds. This allows them ...

Armin Auctor

A sensory deprivation tank.

The 4 Skills You Will Need to Face the Coming AI Job Apocalypse

Having the right job skills will be of the utmost importance in the future. The implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in businesses is projected to take away numerous jobs in the future. According to AI expert Kai Fu Lee, almost 40 percent of the world’s jobs could be transferred from human beings to automated machines. ...

Armin Auctor

Painting a plate.

Some Amazing Ways Music Affects Human Beings

Anyone who has listened to music for long hours will understand that it has a deep impact on their mind. The harmony of sounds triggers various emotions and responses within us so that we are often lost thinking about our deepest feelings when listening to our favorite soundtracks. It has the ability to bring about ...

Emma Lu

Developing a Culture of Creativity in Your Workplace

To achieve success, it is essential that an organization is able to develop a culture of creativity in their workplace. What does a creative workplace mean? It simply refers to a working environment where employees can confidently use their imaginations to solve the problems of the organization. There are four simple things you need to ...

Armin Auctor