buddhism, enlightenment, gautama buddha, nirvana

Who Was Gautama Buddha?

Gautama Buddha left a profound impact on the progress of human civilization. Who was Gautama Buddha? Gautama Buddha, popularly known as the Buddha, was an ascetic, a religious leader, and a teacher who lived in ancient India. He is regarded as the founder of Buddhism and revered by Buddhists as an enlightened being who rediscovered ...

Max Lu

A Gautama Buddha statue.

2021: Year of the Ox

Chinese New Year is approaching this February 12th and 2021 is the Year of the Ox. It looks to be a favorable sign, which is exactly what we want to hear as some of us very cautiously enter this new year. Good-bye year of the metal rat 2020. What does the year of the Ox ...

Jessica Kneipp

The Year of the Ox.

Understanding Milarepa’s Painful Journey to Self-Awareness

The life of Milarepa is one of the most interesting and enlightening stories from Tibet. It is the story of personal growth, showcasing the randomness and extreme situations that human life presents along the journey from utter confusion to complete clarity. It also reveals the power of the human spirit to work through seemingly insurmountable ...

Emma Lu

A painting of Milarepa.

6 Tales of Enlightenment

Enlightenment comes in many forms and can have a major impact on your life. 6 tales of enlightenment 1. The tumor One of my friends was a doctor. He told me that once during an operation to remove a cancerous tumor for a patient, after he opened up the affected area, he found that he ...

Helen London

A sandy beach with a crystal ball.

The Analects Uphold Integrity: Profound Thoughts from Confucius

The Analects, a collection of the teachings and thoughts of Confucius, reveal how he achieved his enlightenment in cultivation at the very beginning. He said: “Isn’t it a pleasure to study and practice what you have learned?” To me, learning and practicing can be fun once in a while, but not all the time, especially when it is ...

Emma Lu

A Chinese terracotta soldier.

Enlightening to the Meaning of the Vicious Snake

A long time ago in India, the Buddha and a disciple named Ananda walked in the wilderness of the countryside. By the side of a field, they suddenly saw a pile of shiny objects. The Buddha said to Ananda: “Look, there is a big poisonous snake.” Ananda replied: “Master, it is a vicious snake.”… At ...

Helen London

A pond in the mountains.

How to Access the Akashic Records

In spirituality, Akashic records are considered to be a record of all human events. The records not only pertain to human actions, but also words, intent, thoughts, and emotions. The term Akashic is derived from the Sanskrit word “Akasha,” meaning sky or ether. The name “Akashic record” was popularized by theosophist Helena Blavatsky in the ...

Emma Lu