diligence, kindness, leonard da vinci

How Diligence and Kindness Shape Lives

The diligence of Leonardo da Vinci Leonardo da Vinci was an outstanding painter in Italy during the European Renaissance. He loved painting from childhood, and his father sent him to Florence, to a famous painter, to learn art. The teacher taught him to paint eggs in the first class to teach him diligence. He drew one ...

Helen London

A woman running at sunset.

Exploring Chinese Idioms: Watering Melon Fields

Among popular Chinese idioms is a saying that goes like this: “Irrigating the neighboring state’s melon fields” or simply “Watering melon fields.” This Chinese idiom actually has nothing to do with agriculture or melons, rather, it is advice on using kindness to deal with malice. The saying originates from a conflict that took place in ...

Emma Lu

A man hugging a woman.

A Captive Turtle and Buddha Return the Blessing

In 2010, I worked in Dongying of Shandong Province, China. One day, as I was passing by a wet market I saw a wild, softshell turtle in a tank in front of a seafood stall. The captive turtle had a distinctive mark on its shell and was trying hard to struggle its way out of the tank. Moved by ...

Michael Segarty

A softshell turtle.

A Servant Repays his Master’s Kindness

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, there was a wealthy family by the name of Wang living in the city of Yangzhou in Eastern China. Later, due to war, the family members became separated. After the establishment of the Qing Dynasty, the surviving family members returned, but the family circumstances were difficult. The youngest ...

Helen London

3 Reasons Why a Family Cannot Become Prosperous

Having a good family tradition is more valuable than possessing wealth alone in the long run. A good family tradition is a foundation for a family to become prosperous for generations. 3 pitfalls to avoid to become prosperous 1. Spoiling and indulging children In a traditional Chinese family, parents, who exhibit authority and wisdom, raise ...

Emma Lu

A smiling, happy family.

2 Short Stories of Success by Kindness and Honesty

The are many stories in China about kindness and honesty leading to success in life. 2 stories about success 1. How an illiterate stall owner gained success with 2-cent drinks Many decades ago, in Baoji, Fengxiang County, there lived a lady surnamed Zhang with the first name Gai Gai. Although Gai Gai never attended school, ...

Michael Segarty

Ancient Chinese coins.

Learning About Compassion and Charity From World Cultures

The development of a civilization can be ascertained by how well it treats its fellow beings. A dog-eat-dog world can make people hate and fear others. It is ideals like compassion and charity that teach us that taking care of the less fortunate is as important as focusing on one’s own survival and pleasure. The ...

Raven Montmorency

Greek Parthenon temple.

More Reasons to Be Kind: It’s Good for Your Health

Right from childhood, one of the moral teachings imparted to all people is to be kind toward others. In this regard, there is no debate between religious or atheist groups. Being kind not only benefits those you help, but it is also good for your health. Promotes happiness A 2010 survey conducted by the Harvard ...

Raven Montmorency

A smiling young woman.

5 Ways You Can Change the World by Changing Yourself

There are many things in this world you might find yourself disappointed in. It might be the way people treat each other, how they deal with the environment, act selfishly without concern for others, and so on. Living in such a world, you might end up thinking that there is nothing you can do to ...

Raven Montmorency

Leaving a gift of flowers.

A Good Moral Character Is the Best Assistance in Life

A good moral character is the most precious asset a person possesses. It determines whether he can be successful or not and is the best assistance one can have in life. “To speak in a mean [that is the mean or middle style more appropriate to prose], the virtue of prosperity is temperance, the virtue of adversity is fortitude, ...

Helen London

A Chinese terracotta soldier.